This document is an historical remnant. It belongs to the collection Skeptron Web Archive (included in Donald Broady's archive) that mirrors parts of the public Skeptron web site as it appeared on 31 December 2019, containing material from the research group Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC) and the research programme Digital Literature (DL). The contents and file names are unchanged while character and layout encoding of older pages has been updated for technical reasons. Most links are dead. A number of documents of negligible historical interest as well as the collaborators’ personal pages are omitted.
The site's internet address was since Summer 1993 and since 2006


Seminars and offices

Seminars either at Humanistiskt Centrum in Campus Engelska parken (next to the cemetery, behind the library Carolina Rediviva) or at Campus Blåsenhus (next to the Castle and the Botanic Garden)
   Most collaborators have offices at either of these campus sites.
   See maps or visit and search for "Engelska parken" or "Blåsenhus".

Postal address

SEC/Donald Broady, Sociologiska inst.,
Uppsala universitet,
Box 624,
SE-751 26 Uppsala, Sweden

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 URL of this page is broady/sec/pre.htm 

Short presentation
of research domains and projects

The research unit Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC) was founded in 1990 by Donald Broady, received its current name in 1992 and moved in 1997 from the Stockholm to Uppsala University. It is currently directed by Donald Broady, Mikael Börjesson and Marta Edling.

The SEC unit is a node in Scandinavia for research in the vein of certain French traditions founded by Pierre Bourdieu, Jean-Paul Benzécri and others. The research areas include studies on cultural fields, history of education, formation of elites, students’ trajectories, and transnational transformations of the educational and cultural fields. There are also methodologically oriented work on geometric data analysis, prosopographical methods and internet applications.

The main focus has since the start been on research in the sociology of education and the sociology of culture in close co-operation with especially French colleagues at

Also since 1990 research on markup languages, such as SGML and later XML, and prosopographical methods, in co-operation with

Historical perspectives is of central importance and there are a growing number of historians among the collaborators.

Projects, Sociology of Culture

The main bulk of ongoing studies in the sociology of culture consists of investigations on various kinds of "fields" in Pierre Bourdieu's sense. For example:

Projects, Sociology of Education

The unit has undertaken studies on recruitment, the educational strategies of different social groups and the struggles between educational institutions. It has a massive datasets at its disposal concerning all Swedish university students and secondary school pupils in Sweden during the last thirty years. Historical perspectives are prominent in recent and ongoing studies such as:

  • Demokratens födelse: demokratisk fostran i svensk folkbildning 1830-1940, funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council). Dir. Samuel Edquist. Start 1 Jan 2012.
  • Evaluation of the Special Committee on Recruitment to Higher Education (Rekryteringsdelegationen).  A commission from the Swedish government.
  • Familjerna i det nya utbildningslandskapet. Vägval, tillgångar och strategier 1985–2015, funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council). Dir. Mikael Palme. Start 1 Jan 2014.
  • Folkskolans finansiering. De ekonomiska förutsättningarna för den allmänna folkundervisningens framväxt, 1842–1937 (The finances of popular schooling. Economic conditions for the development of the folkskola 1842-1937), finansierat av Handelsbankens forskningsstiftelser. Dir. Johannes Westerberg.
  • Grusade förhoppningar eller lyckade nyorienteringar? Högskolestudenters ändrade studieplaner och avhopp inom högre utbildning 1977-2007 (Graveled expectations or successful reorientations? Switchers and dropouts in higher education 1977-2007), funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council). Dir. Carina Carlhed. Period Jan 2010-dec 2012.
  • Gymnasieskolan som konkurrensfält (The Competition Field of Secondary Education), funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council). Dir. Donald Broady. <>
  • Internationaliseringens nationella arenor. Svensk högre utbildning och utländska studenter, 1945-2015
    (Domestic Arenas of Internationalization. Swedish Higher Education and International Students, 1945-2015), funded by Vetenskapsrådet  (the Swedish Research Council). Dir. Mikael Börjesson.
  • Kampen om studenterna. Det svenska högskolefältet och lärosätenas rekryteringsstrategier 1993-2003 (The Struggle for Students. The Swedish Field of Higher Education and the Recruitment Strategies of the Institutions), funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council). Dir. Donald Broady.
  • Nordic Fields of Higher Education. Structures and Transformations of Organization and Recruitment, 1985-2015, funded by NordForsk. Dir. Mikael Börjesson.
  • Samhällets globalisering. Globaliseringen och den svenska gymnasieskolan. En utbildningssociologisk studie av hur nationsöverskridande profiler utformas och värdesätts, funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council). Dir. Mikael Palme. Start 1 Jan 2012.
  • Skolans kungsväg. Det naturvetenskapliga programmets plats i utbildningssystemet (The Royal Road of Schooling. The Science Programme within the Swedish Educational System), funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council). Dir. Donald Broady.
  • Skolmatematikens utveckling och reformer av det svenska skolsystemet under 1900-talet. En komparativ historisk studie av förändringar av innehåll, metoder och institutionella förutsättningar, funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council). Dir. Johan Prytz.  Start 1 Jan 2012.
  • Språken, skolan, samhället 1960-2010 (Language, School, and Society 1960-2010), funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council). Dir. Bo G. Ekelund.
  • Studielån, lön och förmögenhet inom högskolan. Sociala gruppers studiefinansiering, 1998-2006, funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council). Dir. Martin Gustavsson.  Start 1 Jan 2012.
  • Transnationella strategier inom den högre utbildningen. Sveriges förhållande till Frankrike och USA 1919-2009 (Transnational Strategies within Higher Education. Sweden's Relations to France and the US 1919-2009), funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council). Dir. Mikael Börjesson.
  • Utrikespolitik och internationalisering av svensk högre utbildning. Svenska Institutet och det akademiska utbytet 1945-2010, funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council). Dir. Andreas Åkerlund.  Start 1 Jan 2012



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