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Nordic Fields of Higher Education

Research network

The research network Nordic Fields of Higher Education main aim is to enforce, support and further develop ongoing research in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland on recruitment patterns to higher education and student mobility drawing on large scale data registers and surveys. The network is funded by NordForsk during the period 2011-2014.

The network gathers 50 researcher from Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and France and is administered by the research group Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC) at Uppsala University.


Mikael Börjesson, Associate Professor, Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC), Uppsala University,

Coordination assistant:
Emil Bertilsson, PhD-student, Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC), Uppsala University,

Network committee:
Mikael Börjesson, Associate Professor, Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC), Uppsala University,

Osmo Kivinen, Professor, the Research Unit for the Sociology of Education (RUSE), University of Turku,

Jens Peter Thomsen, Post.Doc., Dept. of Sociology, University of Copenhagen,

Agnete Vabø, Deputy Head of Research, Nordic Institute for studies of Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU), Oslo, 

About the network

Higher education has today become one of the most important political areas. Each nation’s ability to compete in an increasingly globalized and competitive world economy is seen as more and more dependent upon the performance and the quality of its higher education system. Substantial investments are made to expand the systems, and in many countries 50 percent of the young population enters tertiary education. In an international perspective the higher education systems in the Nordic countries hold a unique position in this regard with widespread student grants and lack of tuition fees. Furthermore, efforts are made to make the systems work more efficiently and increase their competitiveness. The Bologna process is one key example, putting emphasis on national and international mobility of students and scholars as means for improving the quality of higher education in Europe, and thus strengthening its position in the global competition for students and excellence. As a consequence of the expansion of the national higher educational systems and the increased internationalization, the systems have become far more complex and less transparent.

All this points at an increasing need for research on the higher educational systems. The network Nordic Fields of Higher Education will enforce, support and further develop ongoing research in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland on recruitment patterns to higher education and student mobility drawing on large scale data registers and surveys. It is of particular importance to support and facilitate research that explores the higher education systems within these relatively homogenous welfare states. Internationally, this will strengthen the impact of Nordic research in this area, allowing for the particulars of Nordic higher education systems to be given a more prominent position.

A strong Nordic network would also be able to more closely connect the larger research milieus to each other and to function as a much needed setting for researchers that at the present do not form part of a larger research milieu. The research network has the objectives to:
* improve the infrastructure for research by means of conferences, workshops and visits,
* strengthen the PhD-education through relevant commune courses and workshops,
* increase the visibility of the research area by conferences, webpages and joint publications,
* prepare for further expansion of the research area through joint applications of comparative research.



Uppsala University, Sociology of education and culture (SEC)
Donald Broady, Professor
Mikael Börjesson, Associate Professor
Carina Carlhed, Post Doc., Associate Professor
Susanne Engström, Post Doc.
Ida Lidegran, Senior Lecturer
Mikael Palme, Senior Lecturer
Emil Bertilsson, PhD-candidate
Håkan Forsberg PhD-candidate
Andreas Melldahl, PhD-candidate
Erik Nylander, PhD-candidate
Tobias Dalberg, PhD-candidate
Josefine Krigh, Research assistant

Uppsala University, The Department of Business Studies
Tina Hedmo, Senior Lecturer

University of Gothenburg, The research unit Prerequisites, Education, and Outcomes (FUR) 
Caroline Berggren, Post.doc.


Nordic Institute for studies of Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU)
Joakim Caspersen, PhD-student, 
Elisabeth Hovdhaugen, Senior Researcher
Liv Anne Støren, Research professor
Rachel Sweetman, Senior Researcher
Agnete Vabø, Deputy Head of Research 
Øyvind Wiborg, Senior Researcher
Jannecke Wiers-Jenssen, Head of Research 
Per Olaf Aamodt, Research professor

Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences , The Center for the Study of Professions (CSP)
Jens-Christian Smeby, Professor
Håvard Helland, Associate Professor
Per Arne Tufte, Post. Doc
Ida Drange, PhD-student
Mari Lande With, PhD-student
Mari Wigum Frøseth, PhD-student 
Tanja Askvik, PhD-student
Karl Ingar Kittelsen Røberg, Research assistant

Norges idrettshøgskole
Jorunn Spord Borgen, Professor


Aalborg University, Center for Mobility Research
Martin D. Munk, Professor
Trond Beldo Klausen, Associate professor
Do-Yeun Park, Researcher
Stefan Andrade, PhD-student

Aarhus University, The Danish School of Education, The Danish Centre for Youth Research
Camilla Hutters, Associate professor
Rikke Brown, Research assistant

Aarhus University, The Danish School of Education, The Research Unit in Vocational Education and Training
Peter D. Koudahl, Associate Professor

Roskilde University, The Department of Psychology and Educational Studies
Christian Helms Jørgensen, Associate professor

University of Copenhagen, The Department of Science Education at the Faculty of Science
Lars Ulriksen, Associate professor
Henriette T. Holmegaard, Phd-student

University of Copenhagen, The Department of Sociology
Jens Peter Thomsen, Post. doc.

University of Copenhagen, the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication
Jan Thorhauge Frederiksen, PhD


University of Turku, the Research Unit for the Sociology of Education (RUSE)
Osmo Kivinen, Professor
Päivi Kaipainen, PhD, Coordinator
Sakari Ahola, Senior researcher
Irene Prix, PhD-student
Juha Hedman, Research assistant


Mathématiques Appliquées à Paris 5 (MAP5) – Université de Paris
Brigitte Le Roux, Professor
Philippe Bonnet, Research Engineer

Links, participating Research Environments

Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC), Uppsala University

The research unit Prerequisites, Education, and Outcomes (FUR), University of Gothenburg

Nordic Institute for studies of Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU)

The Center for the Study of Professions (CSP), Oslo University College

Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen

Center for Mobility Research, Aalborg University

The Danish Centre for Youth Research, Aarhus University

The Research Unit in Vocational Education and Training, Aarhus University

The Department of Psychology and Educational Studies, Roskilde University

The Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen

The Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen

The Research Unit for the Sociology of Education (RUSE), University of Turku

Mathématiques Appliquées à Paris 5 (MAP5), Université de Paris




Network meeting I.
2011-10-26 - 2011-10-28, Uppsala
A three day conference at Uppsala University where network members and institutions present ongoing research. Planning of courses and conference



Network meeting II.
2012-04-19 - 2012-04-20, Olso
A two day conference at NIFU, Oslo, with focus on joint research applications.


PhD-course I Research methods: Geometric Data Analysis, software: SPAD.
2012-09-03 - 2012-09-07
Arranged by SEC at Uppsala University. French guest teachers invited.

Network meeting III.
2012-10-11 - 2012-10-12
A two day conference in Uppsala, on the topics: presentation of RUSE, discussions on applications of NordForsk CoE, presentation of NFHE project funded by NordForsk 2013-2015. 



Network meeting IV.
2013-04-11 - 2013-04-12
A two day conference at the department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen on
1) Transitions and recruitment-patterns in relation to choice of higher education, 2) Retention and drop out from higher education, and 3) The project Nordic Fields of Higher Education.

PhD-course II. Capital and Field. Methods for the Study of Education and Culture.
2013-01-17 - 2013-05-02.
Arranged by SEC at Uppsala University 

PhD-Course III Choices of Higher Education, reasons and consequences. 
2013-04-21 - 2013-04-23.
Arranged by CPS, Oslo and Akershus University College of applied sciences. 


Network meeting V.
A two day conference in Turku, devoted to planning of future joint activities.



PhD-Course IV. A course event is planned on comparative research on fields of higher education. Arranged by the University of Copenhagen.

A Nordic Conference "Research on Nordic Fields of Higher Education" is arranged in Oslo with NIFU as host. The aim is to present ongoing research within the framework of the network to larger audience. The target groups are researcher with a special interest in higher education, national administrators and policymakers within higher education. The program will focus the three general themes of the network: a) Fields of higher education. b) Student mobility and trajectories. c) Comparative research.

Meeting 1

Nordic Fields of Higher Education
Nätverksmöte I - Uppsala universitet, 26/10-28/10 2011

Välkomna till nätverkets första träff i Uppsala. Här följer en del praktisk information inför mötet.

Lokaler och karta

Konferenslokalerna inryms i Blåsenhus, von Kraemers Allé 1, en byggnad belägen precis bakom Uppsala slott (sett från stadskärnan) och bredvid botaniska trädgården. Första dagen inleds med lunch i den sk. lilla matsalen, vid ankomst anmäl er i receptionen så blir ni hänvisade till rätt lokal. Mötet kommer sedan att inledas i lokal 14:340 kl. 13.15.

Karta för att hitta till konferenslokalerna, de hotell som vi utnyttjar samt restauranger som vi ämnar besöka finner ni nedan:


karta <>


Onsdag 26 oktober 

12.00–13.15 Lunch: Lilla matsalen (libanesisk buffé)
13.15–14.00 Introduktion till nätverket och kort presentationsrunda
14.00–15.00 Presentationssession 1 – NIFU, Oslo
15.00–15.30 Fikapaus
15.30–17.00 Presentationssession 2 – SEC, Uppsala
17.15–18.00 Nätverksplanering, administrativt möte (för arrangörsansvariga)
19.00 Middag: Domtrappkällaren, S.t Eriks Gränd 15 

Torsdag 27 oktober

9.15–10.15 Presentationssession 3 – CSP, Oslo
10.15–10.45 Fikapaus
10.45–12.00 Presentationssession 4 – Köpenhamns univ. & Aalborg univ.
12.00–13.15 Lunch: Foajén (italiensk buffé)
13.15–14.15 Presentationssession 5 – Aarhus univ. & RUC, Roskilde
14.15–15.00 Presentationssession 6 – FUR, Göteborg & Norges forskningsråd
15.00–15.30 Fikapaus
15.30–17.00 Parallellsessioner 1 – tematiska studier
Tema I Utbildningsfält (skillnader mellan högskoleutbildningar)
Tema II Utbildningsstrategier (sociala gruppers användning av högre utbildning)
Tema III Utbildningsbanor (fullföljande, avbrott, byte.)
19.00 Middag: Biztron, Smedsgränd 11 

Fredag 28 oktober

9.15–10.30 Parallellsessioner 2 – material och klassificeringar
Tema I Registerdata – högskoledata
Tema II Registerdata – sociala data
Tema III Enkätdata
10.30–11.00 Fikapaus
11.00–12.15 Avslutning, sammanfattning, framåtblickar
12.30–14.00 Lunch: Domtrappkällaren, S.t Eriks Gränd 15


Mikael Börjesson,, + 00 46 73 762 70 25.

Transport och boende:
Emil Bertilsson,, + 00 46 70 827 63 62.

Program och mat:
Andreas Melldahl,, + 00 46 73 690 29 56.

Moses Högback,, + 00 46 18 471 24 86

Meeting 2

Nordic Fields of Higher Education
Network Meeting II I - NIFU, Oslo, April 19-20 2012



11 – 12 Presentasjonsrunde og gjennomgang av møteplan
12- 13 Lunsj
13-14 Presentasjon av NIFUs forskning av relevans for nettverket
14-15.30 Education for tomorrow. Presentasjon av program og aktuelle tema for søknader. Innledning ved Jens Peter, Mikael og Agnete
15:30 Pause
16-18 Marianne Nordli Hansen, professor i sosiologi Universitetet i Oslo presenterer prosjektet Elites in an egalitarian society
19 Middag Kunstnernes Hus Wergelandsveien 17 (rett ved NIFUs lokaler)


09 -11 Education for tomorrow. Substansielle diskusjoner av ulike deltema. Notat sendes ut i forkant.
11-12 Nordisk Center of Excellence i utdanningsforskning – hvordan kan nettverket bidra?
12-13 Lunsj
13-14 Nordisk Center of Excellence (diskusjonen fortsetter)
14-15 Oppsummering av møtet, videre planer


Agnete Vabø,

Resor, hotell mm:
Rachel Sweetman,

Meeting 3

Nordic Fields of Higher Education
Network meeting III - Uppsala University, October 11-12 2012



10.15-11.15 Morning coffee
11.15-12.00 Introduction and presentation (Börjesson)
12.00-13.15 Lunch
13.15-14.45 Discussion on CoE-application (Vabø)
14.45-15.15 Coffee
15.15-16.15 Presentation of RUSE (Kivinen at al)
16.30-17.30 Discussion on the NFHE-project
19.00 Dinner at Biztron, Smedsgränd 9

FRIDAY 12 Oct.

9.15-10.00 Higher education in Sweden (Börjesson et al)
10.00-10.30 Coffee
10.30-11.15 Higher education in Norway (Vabø et al)
11.15-12.00 Higher education in Finland (Kivinen et al)
12.00-13.15 Lunch
13.15-14.00 Higher education in Denmark (Thomsen et al)
14.00-15.00 Ending of the conference

The conference will be held in room 14:340 at Blåsenhus, Uppsala


Mikael Börjesson,, + 00 46 73 762 70 25.

Research Secretary:
Martin Mickelsson,, + 00 46 18 471 24 77

Meeting 4

Nordic Fields of Higher Education
Network meeting IV
Dept. of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
April 11-12 2013


THURSDAY 11th of April

10.30 - 11.00 Welcome and coffee

11.00 - 12.30 Lecture: Kaare Aagaard, the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Aarhus University: "Danish Research Policy and the universities, trends and patterns"

12.30 -13.30 Lunch

13.30-16.30 Theme 1: Transitions and recruitment-patterns in relation to choice of higher education.
* Caroline Berggren: Gender and class perspectives on students' choice of higher education institutions and graduates' choice of job location
* Håvard Helland: Choice of field of study in higher education
* Christian Helms-Jørgensen: The transition from Vocational education at higher secondary level to higher education

FRIDAY 12th of April

9.30-12.00 Theme 2: Retention and drop out from higher education
* Elisabeth Hovdhaugen & Per Olaf Aamodt: Retention and drop out from higher education
* Carina Carlhed: Exploring pathways in university education - study patterns among students in undergraduate programs with professional qualifications.

12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00 -14.00 Discussion on Oslo conference fall 2014

14.00-15.00 Update on the "education for tomorrow"-project and future activities

The conference will be held at Dept. of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, building 16, room 16.2.55


Jens Peter Thomsen,, +45 61308482 .

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Content created by Mikael Börjesson, this HTML version, by Donald Broady. Last updated 4 April 2013
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