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Utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Sociology of Education and Culture at Uppsala University
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Transnational Strategies within Higher Education
2011-04-05 Dag Blanck gave the speach "Transatlantic Dreaming: Sweden and the United States in the 20th century", Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H.
2011-02-16 - 2011-02-17 SEC-Internal Conference at Vår Gård Saltsjöbaden.
2011-02-08 - 2011-02-11 International Conference on Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods, CARME-2011, Agrocampus, Rennes. Bo G. Ekleund & Mikael Börjesson: Mapping a Citational Universe: A GDA of Literary Dissertation Bibliographies. Abstract.
2011-02-11 Andreas Åkerlund defends his thesis Mellan akademi och kulturpolitik. Lektorat i svenska språket vid tyska universitet 1906-1945 at IX, Uppsala University.
2011-01-29 Sverige utifrån. Forskning och undervisning om Sverige vid utländska universitet [Sweden from abroad. Research and teaching about Sweden at foreign universities], a one day symposion arranged by Dag Blanck, in collaboration with SEC, the Faculty of Languages, the Forum for German studies, and SINAS, all Uppsala Universitet>.
2010-12-20 Project meeting in Stockholm.
2010-12-01 SEC-seminar Alexander Ekelund: Receptionen av Julia Kristeva – Litteraturkritikens och den feministiska forskningens fält. [The Reception of Julia Kristeva. The Fields of Literary Criticism and Feministic Research]
2010-11-04 - 2011-11-06 Thirty Years after "Distinction", Sciences-Po, Paris. Mikael Palme & Mona Mårtensson, « La culture française comme ressource symbolique dans deux générations d’intellectuels francophiles en Suède ». >
2010-10-20 SEC-Seminar Mikael Börjesson: The Space of Swedish Students in Paris.
2010-10-13 - 2010-10-24 The Swedish Science Council annually conference, Resultatdialog, at Uppsala University. Presentation "Transnational Strategies within Higher Education" by Mikael Börjesson, Dag Blanck, Alexander Ekelund, Bo Ekelund, Ida Lidegran & Andreas Melldahl.>
2010-09-16 - 2010-09-18 Bo G. Ekelund presentated > the paper “Not All that Secondary: The Foreign Presence in Swedish Literary Dissertations” > and Dag Blanck the p>aper "The Origins of American Studies in Sweden" at the conference “Global Americas. SAAS Sixth Biennial Conference 2010.” Mid-Sweden University, Härnösand campus. >
2010-06-17 Andreas Åkerlund gave a talk "Enseñanza de idiomas y política cultural internacional – el caso de los lectorados suecos en Alemania" at Instituto Galileo Galilei, Rosario, Argentina.
2010-05-05 Andreas Åkerlund gave a talk "Svenska lektorat i Tyskland: Undervisning, karriärväg och kulturpolitisk institution" at the reserach conference arranged by the PhD-students in Educational Sciences, Uppsala University.
2010-03-26 - 2010-03-29 Dag Blanck presented Paper at the workshop "The U.S.
as a Cultural Fountain of Youth? American and Foreign Intellectuals' Visions of
Art and Culture in the U.S. in the 20th Century" (arranged by Anne Ollivier
Mellios, Université Paris 13) at the European Association for American Studies
konferens "Forever Young"? The Changing Images of America" arranged by Trinity
College, Dublin and The Clinton Institute for American Studies at University
College Dublin.
2009-10-01 - 2009-10-02 Fjärde utbildningshistoriska konferensen, Uppsala. The project organise>d a session: Transnational Educational Strategies [Transnationella utbildningsstrategier] with contributions by Dag Blanck>, Forskning och undervisning om Sverige utifrån: Den amerikanska skandinavistiken under 1900-talet, Mikael Börjesson, Sverige och den global utbildningsmarknaden, Bo Ekelund & Alexander Ekelund , Svenska litteraturvetare och utländsk teoribildning, Andreas Melldahl, Amerika tur och retur - Svenska stipendiaters sociala ursprung, transatlantiska resor och karriärer, Andreas Åkerlund, Utbildning och bildning inom utlandsriktad kulturpolitik: Strukturer, syften, organisationer.>
2009-09-17 - 2009-09-18 Mikael Börjesson, Transnational Educational Strategies among Swedish Students in Paris and in New York, & Anne-Catherine Wagner, Colloque "La formation des élites. Les enjeux de l'ouverture sociale et de la mondialisation", Paris, organised by L’Observatoire Sociologique du Changement (OSC, Sciences Po/CNRS), Le Centre de Sociologie Européenne (CSE, Université de Paris 1/CNRS) Le Centre de Recherche en Education de Nantes (CREN, Université de Nantes).
2009-06-19 - 2009-06-20 Mikael Börjesson, Dag Blanck, Donald Broady, Andreas Melldahl, Mona Mårtensson & Mikael Palme, À la recherche d’un capital transnational. Étudiants et chercheurs suédois aux États-Unis et en France, & Anne-Catherine Wagner, Les nouvelles formes d'intervention des organisations internationales dans l'enseignement universitaire : l'exemple d’une formation à distance initiée par l’Unesco, Papers presented at the international conference "Les mondes universitaires face aux logiques du marché : circulation des savoirs et pratiques des acteurs", Ecole Hassania des travaux Publics, Casablanca, Marocco, organised by Ecole Hassania des Travaux Publics Route and Université Hassan II Mohammedia-Casablanca with support by Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie; Centre Jacques Berque, Rabat; Fondation de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris; Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo; Service de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle – Ambassade de France au Maroc; Sociology of Education and Culture, Université d’Uppsala; Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour.
2009-05-28 - 2009-05-31 Dag Blanck, "'Anything Seems Possible': Sweden and the American Academy in the 1950's and 1960's", Cosmopolitain America?: The United States in Transition. Biannual conference of the Nordic Association for American Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
2009-05-27 kl 13.15-15.00, Room 1219, Andreas Åkerlund, Utlandsriktad kulturpolitik och internationell utbildning, SEC-Seminar, Seminariegatan 1, Uppsala, PDF-version.
2009-01-09 Dag Blanck, ”Trans-National Educational Flows: The Case of Sweden and the United States in the 20th Century”, North American Studies Program, Renvall Institute for Area and Cultural Studies, University of Helsinki.
2008-12-10 Dag Blanck, Mikael Börjesson, Alexander Ekelund Bo G. Ekelund & Andreas Melldahl, presentation av forskningsprojektet "Transnationella strategier inom den högre utbildningen" på Samtidshistoriska institutet, Södertörns högskola.
2008-10-01 - 2008-10-02 ‘The Invasion of Books’. The Influence of
Foreign Literature on Small Language Communities >1950 –
Present Day
The Third Workshop of the project ">Peripheral Autonomy?
Longitudinal analyses of cultural transfer in the literary fields of small
language communities." Uppsala 2-3:e oktober. Bo Ekelund presents paper: American Stars’n’bards, and Swedish Reviewers: The Swedish Field of Literary
Criticism and the Local Symbolic Reproduction of Global US Authors.
2008-09-10 Project meeting in Stockholm.
2008-09-01 - 2008-09-05 RC33 The 7th International Conference on Social Science Methodology in Naples. Mikael Börjesson, Andreas Melldahl, Donald Broady, Ida Lidegran & Daan Vandenhaute participated. Mikael Börjesson presented paper Transnational Educational Strategies among Swedish Students in Paris. How to Combine Survey Data with Interview Material in the Framework of Geometric Data Analysis.
2008-06-04 - 2008-06-06 Studies in Education and Culture (>EDUCULT-08)> - International Conference, Uppsala University. Arranged by Donald Broady, Mikael Börjesson & Ole Hammarslev. >The project participated with presentations by > Andreas Melldahl, Swedish Scholarship Holders in the US 1919-1939; Mikael Börjesson, Swedish Students in Paris Social Origin, Educational Careers and Transnational Investments Exploring the Space of Properties with Specific MCA; Bo G Ekelund, American Stars’n’bards, and Swedish Reviewers: The Swedish Field of Literary Criticism and the Local Symbolic Reproduction of Global US Authors; Anne-Catherine Wagner, New Forms of Transnational University Courses Funded by International Organizations. The Example of the "UNESCO Training" at the University of Dakar; Mikael Börjesson, Transnational Investments in Legal Education among Swedish Students; Ole Hammerslev, Lawyers’ Construction of the Nordic States – a Framework; Mikael Börjesson, Johs. Hjellbrekke and Donald Broady, Using Geometric Data Analysis in Prosopographic Studies of Lawyers; Ole Hammerslev, Studying Danish Judges: From Servants of the King to Servants of the State.
2008-04-24 -2008-04-26 Dag Blanck, Mikael Börjesson and Andreas Melldahl participated at the Svenska historikermötet i Lund. Presentations by Dag Blanck, Sverige-Amerika Stiftelsen och American Scandinavian Foundation. Ursprung och anledningar, and Andreas Melldahl, Teori och praktik bland svenska stipendiater i Amerika. Sverige-Amerika Stiftelsens stipendieverksamhet, 1919-1939.
2008-03-14 - 2008-03-15 Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study Annual Meeting, University of Alaska-Fairbanks. Dag Blanck presented the paper Foundations and Fellowships: The Role of the Sweden America Foundation and the American Scandinavian Foundation in the trans-Atlantic Exchange of Knowledge.
2008-03-11 - 2008-03-12 Ljunglöfska slottet, SEC internal conference.
2008-02-13 - 2008-02-14 Conference Mångfaldens möjligheter at Södertörns högskola. Mikael Börjesson participated as discussant.
2008-02-05 Project meeting in Stockholm.
2007-12-06 Project meeting in Uppsala.
2007-12-05 - 2007-12-07 The International Network Acteurs Emergents, Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris, arranges international seminar: Les nouvelles demandes/offres de formation dans des pays en développement à l’ère de la globalisation, Dakar, Senegal. Anne-Cathrine Wagner presents a paper Les usages sociaux des formations internationales par les classes moyennes et supérieures : éléments de comparaison.
2007-11-29 International Workshop: Recherches récentes en analyse géométrique des données sociologiques, CURAPP, Université de Picardie, Jules Vernes, Amiens, France. Presentation by Mikael Börjesson, Swedish Students in Paris. Social Origin, Educational Careers and Transnational Investments. Exploring the Space of Properties with Specific MCA.
2007-11-06 Project meeting in Uppsala.
2007-11-06 Högre seminariet, Uppsala University. Presentations by Mikael Börjesson: Transnationella strategier inom den högre utbildningen, Andreas Melldahl, Stipendiater i västerled – Sverige-Amerika Stiftelsen, 1919-2006, Dag Blanck, Stipendiater i öster- och västerled – American Scandinavian Foundation, 1911-2006, & Bo G. Ekelund, Goods to Declare. The Swedish field of literary criticism and the effects of transnational education, 1980-2005.
2007-11-01 - 2007-11-03 > Academia Europaea – Wenner-Gren Foundations international symposium: “The University in the Market”, Wenner-Gren Centrum, Stockholm. Mikael Börjesson and Ida Lidegran participated.>
2007-10-12 - 2007-10-14 Andreas Melldahl presented the paper En ekonomhistorisk och utbildningssociologisk studie av Sverige-Amerika Stiftelsens stipendieverksamhet 1919 ‑ 2006, at the session "Socialt, ursprung, utbildning och karriär", Svenska ekonomisk-historiska mötet, Stockholm universitet, October 12-14, 2007. >
2007-09-19 - 2007-09-21 European Educational Research Association, Ghent, Belgium. Donald Broady & Mikael Börjesson participated and gave a presentation titled >Elite Formation in Sweden. Funeral Oration over a Swedish Model.>
2007-08-11 - 2007-08-14 American Sociology Association, 2007 Annual Meeting, New York, USA. Mikael Börjesson and Andreas Melldahl participated.>
2007-06-25 - 2007-06-27 Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods (CARME) 2007 in Rotterdam. Mikael Börjesson presented a paper, >Swedish Students in Paris. Social Origin, Educational Careers and Transnational Investments. Exploring the Space of Properties with Specific MCA, at the session “Geometric Data Analysis I”.>
2007-06-08 Project meeting.
2007-05-31 Mikael Börjesson presented his thesis in a presentation entitled >Transnationella strategier inom den högre utbildningen for the board of Erik och Göran Ennerfelts Fond.>
2007-05-24 Kollegiet för utbildningsvetenskap: Konferens Forskning om utbildning som system. Mikael Börjesson gave a presentation of the project: >Utbildnings- och kultursociologi. Exemplet Transnationella strategier inom den högre utbildningen. >
2007-05-18 - 2007-05-19 The European Network EDUC-ELITES Annual Meeting in Lisbon. Donald Broady, Mikael Börjesson and Ida Lidegran presented the paper >The Internationalisation of the Swedish Educational System Results, Methods, Materials and Future Plans.>
2007-05-10 - 2007-05-11 A European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop: Exploring New Methods for Prosopography in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, Uppsala. Donald Broady, Mikael Börjesson, Bo Ekelund, Ole Hammerslev, Ida Lidegran and Mikael Madsen presented papers.
2007-05-07 - 2007-05-09 Studies in Education and Culture (EDUCULT) - International Conference, Uppsala University, May 7-9, 2007 at Uppsala University. Arranged by Donald Broady, Mikael Börjesson & Martin Gustavsson. > Presentations by Mikael Börjesson, Transnational Strategies in Higher Education; Mikael Börjesson & Donald Broady, The Social Profile of Swedish Law Students. National Divisions and Transnational Educational Strategies; Dag Blanck, Swedish-American links; Andreas Melldahl, Swedish Scholars Going West; Bo G. Ekelund & Alexander Ekelund, Goods to Declare: the Swedish Field of Literary Criticism and the Effects of Transnational Education, 1980-2005.
2007-04-26 - 2007-04-28 The annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Scandiavian Study (SASS). Hosts: Oklahoma State University and Augustana College. Dag Blanck presented a paper on The Swedish American Foundation. >
2007-04-27 - 2007-04-28 New Approaches to European Studies: Integration Social Capital, European Elites, Constructivism. Conference in Copenhagen. Arranged by Mikael Madsen & Margarta Bertilsson. Mikael Börjesson presented the paper> Transnational Educational Investments and National Logics. The Case of Swedish Students in Paris and New York.
2007-04-11 kl 13.15. >SEC->Seminars US vs. EU in Eastern Europe: Two Modes of Exporting Law, Expertise, and State Organisation. Presentation by Ole Hammerslev.>
2007-03-14 Project meeting.
2007-02-08 - 2007-02-09 SEC-Conference at Skebo Herrgård.>
2007-01-24 - 2007-01-26 ReNeUv (A Research Network on the relations between University, Culture, Society and the Economy) Conference in Uppsala. Donald Broady, Mikael Börjesson and Ida Lidegran presented the paper >Elites and Transnational Educational Strategies. The Case of Sweden. Extended Abstract
©-2011. SEC/UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, Box 2136, 750 02 Uppsala
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