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Utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Sociology of Education and Culture at Uppsala University
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The conference EDUCULT-08 (Studies in Education and Culture) is organised by SEC (Sociology of Education and Culture), Uppsala University, with the support of Vetenskapsrådet (The Swedish Research Council).
Location: Museum Gustavianum, Auditorium Minus, Akademigatan 3, Uppsala
Registration is required. The first one and a half day, until June 5th at 14.00 are intented for invited participants. The rest of programme is open.
For information and registration contact Mikael Börjesson <>
Tuesday June 3, 12.00-19.00 and Wednesday June 4, 09.15-14.00
Lawyers’ construction of the Nordic welfare states
and beyond: towards an interdisciplinary prosopographic study of Scandinavian
part of the EDUCULT 08-conference is generously funded by Institutet för rättshistorisk forskning, grundat av Gustav och Carin Olin)
Wednesday June 4, 15.00-18.00
Economic Fields and Social Classes
Thursday 5 June, 09.30-17.00
Transnational Strategies within Higher Education and
Art. Flows of People and Ideas
Tuesday June 3 at 12.00-19.00: Lawyers' Construction of the Nordic Welfare States and Beyond: Towards an Interdisciplinary Prosopographic Study of Scandinavian Lawyers (part I)
12.00-12.15 Welcome (Ole Hammerslev, Per Nilsén, Donald Broady & Mikael Börjesson)
12.15-13.30 Lunch at Domtrappskällaren, Sankt Eriksgränd 15, Uppsala
13.30-14.30 Introduction
Ole Hammerslev: Lawyers’ Construction of the Nordic States – a
Per Nilsén: Historical perspectives
Mikael Börjesson, Johs. Hjellbrekke and Donald Broady: Using Geometric Data Analysis
in Prosopographic Studies of Lawyers
14.45-17.45 Lawyers' construction of the states. What do we know?
Kjell Å. Modéer: Legal Professions in Sweden.
Johs. Hjellbrekke: The Judicial Positions in the
Norwegian Field of Power
Per Nilsén: Legal Professions in Denmark: A Legal Historian’s Perspective
Ole Hammerslev: Studying Danish Judges: From Servants of the King to
Servants of the State
16.15-16.45 Coffee break
Heikki Pihlajamäki: Modernisation of Law in Late Nineteenth Century and the
Construction of the Finnish Advocate
Pia Letto-Vanamo: The Development of Legal Education in Finland
Esa Konttinen: Professionalization as Status Adaptation: The Nobility, the
Bureaucracy, and the Modernization of the Legal Profession in Finland
17.15-17.45 Discussion
18.00-19.00 Theoretical positions: Margareta Bertilsson (Keynote speaker): Knowledge and Power in Scandinavia
19.00-20.00 Check in at the hotel
19.30 Dinner at Wermlandskällaren, Nedre Slottsgatan 2.
Wednesday June 4 at 09.30-14.00: Lawyers' Construction of the Nordic Welfare States and Beyond: Towards an Interdisciplinary Prosopographic Study of Scandinavian Lawyers (part II)
09.30-12.00 Transnational Strategies
09.30-10.15 Yves Dezalay (Keynote Speaker): Marketing Legal Expertise by Investing in State Politics: International and Learned Strategies for the Reproduction of Lawyers as a State Elite
10.15-10.45 Coffee break
10.45-12.00 Case studies
Antonin Cohen: The European Field of Power and the
National Fields of Power: Some Questions From a Study on the European
Niilo Kaupii: Contemporary constitutional reforms in Finland
Olof Ställvik: Independent Judges:
Integrating Constitutional and Professional Values in a Nordic Welfare State
Mikael Börjesson: Transnational Investments in Legal Education
12.00-13.00 Lunch at Paus Bar och Kök, Östra Ågatan 11.
13.00-14.00 Conclusion. Next steps? Ole Hammarslev
A meeting room is available at the Gustavianum for further discussion if nedeed.
Wednesday June 4 at 15.00-17.00: Economic Capital, Social Classes, and Social Structures
14.00-15.00 Coffee
15.00-17.00 Economic Capital and Social Classes
Martin Gustavsson: Economic Elites and Dominant
Classes in Stockholm 1919-1963
Lennart Rosenlund: The Social Space of Aalborg
Mikael Börjesson et al: Diploma and Occupations.
Relations Between the Educational System and the Occupational Structure in
Sweden 1960-2010
Emil Bertilsson: Teachers in Sweden
Ylva Hasselberg: Deprofessionalisation and the University
Comments by Frédéric Lebaron
19.30 Dinner at Commedia Trattoria, Skolgatan 31.
Thursday 5 June at 09.30-17.00: Transnational Strategies within Higher Education. Flows of People and Ideas
09.30-12.00 Transatlantic Flows of People and Ideas
Andreas Melldahl: Swedish Scholarship Holders in
the US 1919-1939
Mikael Börjesson: Location and Education. Swedish Students in New York in
the Late 1990’s
Christian Lundahl & Florian Waldow: Being International at Home? The
International Examination Inquiry and the National Discourse on Education in
Sweden and Germany During the 1930s
Ola Winberg: Foreign Experience as Education. Swedish Travel in Europe in
the 17th century
Comments by Niilo Kaupi
12.00-13.15 Lunch at Lingon, Svartbäcksgatan 30
13.15-15.00 Transnational Strategies within Fields of Cultural
Charlotte Bydler: Sweden in the Global Art World
System. The Present and Back
Annika Öhrner: Barbro Östlihn and the New York Avantgarde – Transnational
Strategies in the Artworld of the 1960s
Bo G Ekelund: American Stars’n’bards, and Swedish Reviewers: The Swedish
Field of Literary Criticism and the Local Symbolic Reproduction of Global US
Comments by Marta Edling
15.00-15.30 Coffee
15.30-17.00 Reshaping Higher Education and Research
Daniel Pettersson: International Knowledge Assessments: An Element of National
Anne-Catherine Wagner: New Forms of Transnational University Courses Funded
by International Organizations. The Example of the "UNESCO Training" at the
University of Dakar
Eva Hemmungs-Wirtén: Law in Latour's Laboratory: Intellectual Property and
the Science Commons
Comments by Donald Broady
18.30- Dinner at Uplands nation, S:t Larsgatan 11
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Created by Donald Broady. Last updated 5 June 2008
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