This document is an historical remnant. It belongs to the collection Skeptron Web Archive (included in Donald Broady's archive) that mirrors parts of the public Skeptron web site as it appeared on 31 December 2019, containing material from the research group Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC) and the research programme Digital Literature (DL). The contents and file names are unchanged while character and layout encoding of older pages has been updated for technical reasons. Most links are dead. A number of documents of negligible historical interest as well as the collaborators’ personal pages are omitted.
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Utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Sociology of Education and Culture at Uppsala University
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Digital Literature, Projects and Networks
Digital literature is an R&D program, in the beginning at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) and since 1997 in collaboration between KTH and Uppsala University.
The aim has been to develop methods and tools for the encoding, management, and delivery of information, mainly in the humanities, in accordance with relevant international standards as SGML, XML, HyTime, and DSSSL
During the last years the activities have been minor. Hence the projects and publications reported below are mainly of historical interest, and many of the links are long dead.
Director: Donald Broady <>,
URL and
Co-ordinator until Summer 2011: Monica Langerth Zetterman <>, URL
Datorstöd för kunskapsarbete (Computer Supported Knowledge Work), July 1990-June 1993. Funded by NUTEK (The Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development), Skolverket (National Agency for Education) and Forskningsrådsnämnden (Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research).
Det nya handbiblioteket (The New Personal library), July 1993-June 1996. Funded by Forskningsrådsnämnden (Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research) and Skolverket (National Agency for Education).
SGML-stöd för dokumenthantering inom projektet Det Medeltida Sverige (SGML support for Management of Medieval Texts), funded by Riksantikvarieämbetet (Central Board of National Antiquities), April 1994-.
SGML-stöd för dokumenthantering inom utbildningsväsendet (SGML Support for Document Management in Education), funded by Skolverket (National Agency for Education), August 1995-.
Textkritisk digital litteratur (Critical Digital Literature), funded by Forskningsrådsnämnden (Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research), Jan 1996-.
Digital arkiv i utbildningsväsendet (Digital Archives in Education), project at CID Centre for User Oriented IT-Design), Nada, KTH, Nov 1995-Dec 1997.
Distansundervisning och digital litteratur (Distance Education and Digital Literature), in co-operation with Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm (Stockholm Institute of Education), funded by Distansutbildningskommittén (DUKOM), Utbildningsdepartementet, July 1996-.
Digitala utgåvor av August Strindbergs verk (Digital August Strindberg Editions), funded by Forskningsrådsnämnden (Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research), Aug 1997-1998.
SGML-stöd för arkivarier (SGML support for archivists), funded by Riksarkivet, August 1997-1999.
Participation in the project DÅDOK, a co-operation on electronic publication of historical sources. Other partners: Historiska museet, Kommittén för Stockholmsforskning, Krigsarkivet, Kungl. biblioteket, Livrustkammaren, Nordiska museet, Riksantikvarieämbetet, Riksarkivet, Stockholms stadsarkiv (Stockholms historiska databas), Stockholms Stadsmuseum, Svenska språknämnden, Vasamuseet.
Participation in Kunskapens trädgård (Garden of Knowledge), CID/KTH, Jan-Aug 1998. Contact: Ambjorn Naeve <>
Coordination of the research domain Interactive learning environments, CID, KTH, Aug 1998-Jan 2000, comprising five projects: Kunskapens trädgård, Innehållsdesign, Analys och design av gränssnitt, IMUS, KidStory.
Participation in Kidstory <>, contact at ILU: Carina Fast <>
Internet som informationskälla i skolan: tillgänglighet, användbarhet, kvalitetsgranskning, relevansbedömning, funded by Högskoleverket, 1998-1999. Contact: Matts Dahlqvist <>
Internet som informationskälla och informationsverktyg på grund- och gymnasieskola, med tillämpning på kunskapsområdet "ungdomar och alkohol", funded by Systembolagets fond för alkoholforskning, Folkhälsoinstitutet, 1998-1999. Contact: Matts Dahlqvist <>
Digitala arkiv för matematikundervisning. Initial support by LUF-nämnden, Uppsala University Febr 1999. Contacts: Borje Ekstig <>, Sven Ljungfelt <>, Ambjorn Naeve <>
Ubiquitous e-learning. PhD-work by Mats B Andersson <>
Participation in Swedish Learning Lab <>, a collaboration between Stanford University, Uppsala University, Karolinska institutet and Royal Institute of Technology, funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. There are close ties to the Stanford Learning Lab as well as with partners within the Wallenberg Global Learning Network (WGLN). See Uppsala Learning Lab <> and <>.
Co-ordination of the Swedish Learning Lab projects Content and context of Mathematics in Engineering Education (CCM), Digital resources in the humanities (DRH) och 3D communication and visualization environments for learning (CVEL), within the Learning Lab Area Content archives, student portfolios & 3D environments (APE) <>
Participation in the program "Integrating Research Into the Teaching
Environment" (I-rite), in cooperation with Stanford University
Research area Content design at CID, KTH. Including the projects Markup Tool Box , Design for accessabilty , Learning Components and AntiLoop . Contacts Donald Broady <> and Hans Melkersson <>
Co-ordination of the Swedish participation in the Wallenberg Global Learning Network (WGLN) project "Personalized Access to Distributed
Learning Repositories" (PADLR).
Co-ordination of the Swedish participation in the Wallenberg Global Learning Network (WGLN) project "Personal Learning Portfolios"
"Modular Content Archives" (MoCA), a sub-project within the Wallenberg Global Learning Network (WGLN) project
"Personalized Access to Distributed Learning Repositories" (PADLR)
Coordination of the research domain Interactive learning environments, CID, KTH, July 2001- March 2002, comprising eight projects: Content design, Personalized and Shared Mathematical Courselets (PSMC), Mathematics Educational Research, Virtual Workspace Environment (VWE), Edutella An Infrastructure for the Exchange of Educational Media, IMS, Meta-Data, ISO-JTC1/SC36 Information Technology for Learning Education and Training, Conzilla, Modeling of Knowledge Domains.
Coordination of the research domain Interactive learning environments, CID, KTH, April 2002-March 2003, comprising seven projects: AntiLoop, Content Archives and portfolios, Conzilla,Swedish participation in Edutella - An Infrastructure for the Exchange of Educational Media, Explorative Mathematics Education,Standardization of metadata and content markup, Standardized Content Archive Management (SCAM). <>
Digitala läromedel (Digital courseware), utredning för KK-stiftelsens forskningsprogram LearnIT, 2002, by Jonas Gustafsson <>
Participation in ODETTE (Open Distance Education for Teacher Trainers in Europe) <>, <>, 2001-. Responsible at ILU: Jan Sjunnesson <>, URL
"Large Text Archives", a sub-project (sept 2002-) within the Wallenberg Global Learning Network (WGLN) project
"Personalized Access to Distributed Learning Repositories" (PADLR)
Coordinator: Monica Langerth Zetterman <
Märkning av utbildningsinnehåll (Markup of Educational Content), funded by Vinnova, Oct 2003-Sept 2006.
"Pugilists, bikers, climbers, hackers", work in progress by Hans Melkersson <>, URL
Doctorial thesis work by Mats B Andersson <>, URL
Doctoral thesis work by Matts Dahlqvist <>
Doctoral thesis work by Anna-Maria Ahlén <>
Doctoral thesis work by Monica Langerth Zetterman <>, URL
Assistant supervision of doctoral thesis work by Eva-Maria Jacobsson <>, Peter Petrov <>, Rolf Edström <>
"Networking of Literary Archives" (NOLA).
Socrates-Erasmus thematic network "Advanced Computing in The Humanities" (ACO*HUM) <>. Donald Broady member of the Textual Scholarship and Repositories Core Area Group.
COIMBRA Group <>. Donald Broady and Jan Sjunnesson members of Task Force ODL, Continuing Education and Life-Long Learning.
The TEI Consortium (Text Encoding Initiative) <>. Donald Broady and Monica Langerth Zetterman engaged.
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Created by Donald Broady. Last updated 2011
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