This document is an historical remnant. It belongs to the collection Skeptron Web Archive (included in Donald Broady's archive) that mirrors parts of the public Skeptron web site as it appeared on 31 December 2019, containing material from the research group Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC) and the research programme Digital Literature (DL). The contents and file names are unchanged while character and layout encoding of older pages has been updated for technical reasons. Most links are dead. A number of documents of negligible historical interest as well as the collaborators’ personal pages are omitted.
The site's internet address was since Summer 1993 and since 2006
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Utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Sociology of Education and Culture at Uppsala University
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Links to research milieus, conferences, workshops,
lectures, interviews, historical sources etcetera
related to research on fields, 2013
Frédéric Lordon interviewed by Olivier Berruyer, March 28th, 2013. Language: French.
"Pierre Bourdieu un hommage", a place in second life for information and activities related to Pierre Bourdieu.
"Pierre Bourdieu et La Misère du monde". Pierre Bourdieu talks on his works from the early studies in the Kabylie to La Misère du monde. This is a short television broadcast from Collège de France , transmitted August 17th, 1993 , Language: French. A transcription is available.
Colloque: Bourdieu en Pologne. Réceptions, pratiques, interprétations, L'Université de Varsovie, Varsovie, Pologne, 24-25 mai 2013.
Among the speakers: Frédéric Lebaron, Gisèle Sapiro (à confirmer)
Pierre Bourdieu's talk November 27th, 1995, when he received the honoris causa by the HEC (L‘Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Paris).
Pierre Bourdieu et Jean-Claude Passeron, Introduction à la sociologie II : Vigilance épistémologique et pratique sociologique. Television transmission 1966, 19 minutes. Production: IPN. Source: CNDP.
Bourdieu Study Group (BSA)
Simpósio Internacional sobre Pierre 80urdieu e a Educação/Symposium international sur Pierre Bourdieu et l'Éducation/International Symposlum on Pierre Bourdieu and Education
Natal (RN) Brasil - 24, 25 e 26 de abril de 2013.
Local: Auditôrio da Reitoria da Univers idade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Among the speakers: Charles Soulié
Pierre Bourdieu, Grand Oral à l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux dans le cadre des rencontres I.E.P/Sud Ouest le 15 mars 2001. Première partie.
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Created by Donald Broady. Last updated 2013
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