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Utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Sociology of Education and Culture at Uppsala University
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Correspondence Analysis in the Sociology of Education and Culture
(Korrespondensanalys i utbildnings- och kultursociologin)
A five day intensive graduate course (3 ETCS) arranged by SEC (Sociology of Education and Culture), Uppsala University, September 2006
På svenska (In Swedish, please)
General information
On the French guest teachers
Course material to be downloaded
Data set for the exercises
Time: Start Monday, Sept 11th, 2006 at 10:15. End Friday, Sept 15th at 17:00.
Location: Seminariegatan 1, Uppsala.
Language: English.
The course is taught by:
Brigitte Le Roux, Henry Rouanet, and Philippe Bonnet, Université René Descartes,
Frédéric Lebaron, l’Université d’Amiens;
Mikael Börjesson and Donald Broady, Uppsala University.
Secretary: Marie Ols <>,
phone 018-4715883, room 3248.
For further information, contact Mikael Börjesson <>,
Phone work +46 18-4716254, phone home +46 8-6444957, or Donald Broady <>.
Those who have attended our earlier courses on geometric data analysis and correspondence analysis are welcome to participate also in this one. Much new stuff will be offered.
Course materials are available at the SEC's BSCW-server (and also on web links below). At the start of the course the participants will receive login information, as well as user licenses for the French statistical package SPAD.
We recommend the use of SPAD version 6.5 that includes specific MCA as well as concentration and confidence ellipses, which are special features developed by Brigitte Le Roux et al. See For more information please contact Mikael Börjesson <>
Each participant is asked to bring their own portable computer with the statistical package SPSS installed and a not to limited amount of free hard disk space available. If this causes difficulties, please contact the course administrators in advance.
The mathematicians Brigitte Le Roux and Henry Rouanet are affiliated to Université René Descartes, Paris. Their major book Geometric Data Analysis. From Correspondence Analysis to Structured Data Analysis (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, June 2004, 487 p., ISBN 1-4020-2236-0) will be frequently used during the course. Two other guest teachers will be Philippe Bonnet, statistician and during many years collaborator to M. Rouanet and Mme Le Roux, and Frédéric Lebaron, professor in sociology at the university of Amiens.
Today Henry Rouanet and Brigitte Le Roux are world leading specialists in the French "analyse des données" tradition. This statistical tradition, founded by Jean-Paul Benzécri in the 1960's and the 1970's, has in recent years often been called "Geometric Data Analysis". It includes methods such as Correspondence Analysis (CA), Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) and versions of Euclidean Classification. In the social sciences the most well known application is multiple correspondence analyses of the distribution of individuals and properties within "social fields" in Bourdieu's sense, but the tradition has much more to offer.
M. Rouanet and Mme Le Roux are not only the most prominent trustees of Jean-Paul Benzécri's scholarly heritage. They have also made significant contributions of their own - such as "specific multiple correspondence analysis" and the visualisation programme EyeLID - that are used in current research, particularly by social scientists inspired by the works by Pierre Bourdieu and his collaborators. Outside France Mme Le Roux and M. Rouanet themselves are engaged in the Norwegian study on power and in ongoing research on the Swedish field of higher education and on Swedish students in Paris and New York. Professor Lebaron's work includes studies on the field of French economists, on Riksbankens pris i ekonomi till Alfred Nobels minne, and a prosopograhic study on the directors of the national banks in different countries. All three belonged to Pierre Bourdieu's close collaborators during his last years. M. Rouanet and Mme Le Roux did for example take part in one of Bourdieu's last empirical studies, on the French field of editors (reported in Actes, no 126-127, March 1999).
This material was created specifically for the Uppsala course in September 2006
Brigitte Le Roux & Henry Rouanet: Geometric Data Analysis I: Overview of
Geometric Data Analysis
Brigitte Le Roux & Henry Rouanet: Geometric Data Analysis II: Basic Notations
of Geometric Data Analysis
Brigitte Le Roux & Henry Rouanet: Geometric Data Analysis III: Introduction
to Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA)
Brigitte Le Roux & Henry Rouanet: Geometric Data Analysis IV: Introduction to
Euclidean Classication
Brigitte Le Roux & Henry Rouanet: Geometric
Data Analysis V: Structured Data Analysis
Brigitte Le Roux & Henry Rouanet: Geometric Data Analysis VI: Inductive Data
Philippe Bonnet, Brigitte Le Roux & Henry Rouanet: Geometric Data Analysis.
Application to a Racism Survey
Brigitte le Roux, Mikael Börjesson, Philippe Bonnet: Performing Multiple
Correspondence Analysis (MCA) USING SPAD 1 (VERSION 6.5)
For some of the exercises during the course the dataset "Culture" will be used. The same dataset is used in examples in the book Le Roux & Rouanet, Geometric Data Analysis, op.cit., 2004, pp. 221ff.
Download dataset in SPSS format (56 KB) <>
Download dataset in SPAD format (137 KB) <>
Rouanet, Henry & Brigitte Le Roux: Geometric Data Analysis. From Correspondence Analysis to Structured Data Analysis. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, pp. 1-74, 179-250, 333-418. (230 p.)
Broady, Donald (1991): "Sociologi och statistik”, pp. 473-527 in Sociologi
och epistemologi. Stockholm; HLS Förlag, 2 ed. (or pp. 479-534 in 1 ed.
1990). (55 p.)
Download from
Börjesson, Mikael (2005): Transnationella utbildningsstrategier vid svenska lärosäten och bland svenska studenter i Paris och New York. Ak. avh., Disputationsupplaga, Rapporter från Forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi, nr 37, SEC/ILU, Uppsala universitet, Uppsala 2005, pp. 35-44, 81-183, 480-490. (125 p.)
Papers and articles to be distributed at the start of the course, 90 p.
In all: 500 pages
Benzécri, Jean-Paul et al.: L'Analyse des Données. II. L'analyse des correspondances [1973]. Paris: Dunod, 4 edition 1982.
Benzécri, Jean-Paul: Correspondence Analysis Handbook. New York: Dekker, 1992.
Lebart, Ludovic, Alain Morineau & Kenneth M. Warwick: Multivariate Descriptive Statistical Analysis. Correspondence Analysis and Related Techniques for Large Matrices [1977]. New York: Wiley, 1984.
Le Roux, Brigitte & Henry Rouanet: Geometric Data Analysis. From Correspondence Analysis to Structured Data Analysis. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
Benzécri, Jean-Paul: "Qu’est-ce que l’analyse des données ?" Text written by J-P. Benzécri for the first international conference on CA and related methods (CARME) read by Brigitte le Roux, Barcelona, June 2003.
Escofier, Brigitte & J. Pagès: Analyses factorielles simples et multiples. Paris: Dunod, 1988.
Greenacre, Michael J. & Jörg Blasius (Eds.): Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006. (581 p.)
Hjellbrekke, Johs.: Innføring i korrespondanseanalyse. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 1991. (127 p.)
Rosenlund, Lennart: "Korrespondanseanalyse. Dataanalysens magiske øye," Sosiologisk tidsskrift, nr 1 1995, pp. 55-78.
Rouanet, Henry, Frédéric Lebaron, Viviane Le Hay, Werner Ackermann & Brigitte Le Roux: "Régression et analyse géométrique des données : Réflexions et suggestions," Math. Sci. Hum., 40e année, no 160, 2002, pp. 13-45.
Rouanet, Henry, et al.: New Ways in Statistical Methodology. From Significance Tests to Bayesian Inference. Berne: Peter Lang, 1998.
Volle, Michel: Analyse des données. Paris: Economica, 1985.
Börjesson, Mikael: Transnationella utbildningsstrategier vid svenska lärosäten och bland svenska studenter i Paris och New York. Ak. avh., Disputationsupplaga, Rapporter från Forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi, nr 37, SEC/ILU, Uppsala universitet, Uppsala 2005.
Bourdieu, Pierre: "Une révolution conservatrice dans l’édition" (A conservative revolution in publishing), Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, no 126-127, mars 1999, pp. 3-28
Chiche, Jean, Brigitte Le Roux, Pascal Perrineau & Henry Rouanet: "L'espace politique des électeurs français à la fin des années 1990: nouveaux et anciens clivages, hétérogénéité des électorats", Revue française de science politique, vol 50, no 3, 2000.
Duval, Julien: "Le champ du cinéma français au début des années 2000," Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, no 161-162, mars 2006, pp. 96-115.
Ekelund, Bo G. and Mikael Börjesson: "Comparing literary worlds: An analysis of the spaces of fictional universes in the work of two US prose fiction debut cohorts, 1940 and 1955," Poetics, Volume 33, Issues 5-6 (October-December 2005).
Hjellbrekke, Johs. et al.: "The Norweigian Field of Power Anno 2000," European Societies (forthcoming).
Le Roux, Brigitte and Henry Rouanet: Geometric Analysis of Individual Differences, 2003, to be downloaded from EPGY (Educational Program for Gifted Youth), Stanford University, (36 pages)
Lebaron, Frédéric: "Economists and the Economic Order. The field of economists and the field of power in France," European Societies, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2001, pp. 91-110.
Rosenlund, Lennart: "Sosiale strukturer og deres metamorfoser," Sosiologisk tidsskrift, nr 1 1998, pp. 45-74.
Bourdieu, Pierre: La distinction. Critique sociale du jugement. Paris: Minuit, 1979 (2 extended ed. 1982), kap 2-6, pp. 109-431 [English translation Distinction. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1984, pp. 99-371.]
Bourdieu, Pierre: Homo academicus. Paris: Minuit, 1984.
Bourdieu, Pierre: La Noblesse d’État. Grandes écoles et esprit de corps. Paris: Minuit, 1989.
Bourdieu, Pierre & de Saint Martin, Monique: "Le patronat," Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, vol. IV, no 20-21, mars-avril 1978, pp. 3-82.
Bourdieu, Pierre & de Saint Martin, Monique: "Anatomie du goût," Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, vol. II, no 5, octobre 1976, pp. 2-82, 89-112.
Lebaron, Frédéric: L’enquête quantitative en sciences sociales : Recueil et analyse des données. Paris: Dunod, 2006.
Rouanet, Henry/Ackermann, Werner/Le Roux, Brigitte: The Geometric Analysis of questionnaires: The lesson of Bourdieu's La Distinction.
Start Monday 11 September 2006 at 10.15, room 1116
End Friday 15/9 at 17.00
Location: ILU (Institutionen för lärarutbildning), Seminariegatan 1, Uppsala. The following rooms will be used:
Monday 11 Sept - Wed 13 Sept: room 1116
Thursday 14/9 at 09.15-13.00: room 1226
Thursday 14/9 at 13.15-15.00: room 1223 and room 1224
Thursday 14/9 at 15.00-18.00: room 3122
Friday 15/9 at 09.15-18.00: room 1226
Each day there will be:
Monday 11 September at 10.15-12.00, room 1116
Communication from J.P. Benzécri (a text of Benzécri will be read by Mme Le Roux). What is Analyse des données? Overview of Geometric Data Analysis. A few words about Correspondence Analysis (CA). Geometric data analyses.
Tuesday 12 September at 10.15-12.00, room 1116
Principal axes of an Euclidean Cloud: an introduction
Wednesday 13 September at 10.15-12.00, room 1116
What is MCA (Multiple Correspondence Analysis)?
Thursday 14 September at 10.15-12.00, room 1226
Euclidean Classification and Structured Data Analysis.
Friday 15 September at 10.15-12.00, room 1226
Inductive Data Analysis. Discussions on MCA and related topics.
Each participant is supposed to bring a laptop with the statistical programme SPSS installed. We will install a new test version of the French statistical programme SPAD including some new features developed by Mme Le Roux: Concentration ellipses and Specific Multiple Correspondence Analysis.
1. Installing SPAD.
2. importing data (SPSS to SPAD; Excel to SPAD). Recoding data.
3. How to perform MCA: Examples from a study on culture. Including a new feature in SPAD: Specific MCA
4. Euclidean Classification
5. Graphical representation. Including a new feature in SPAD: Concentration Ellipses.
6. Analysing the dataset of the economic space of the European Union: an example of the uses of principal component analysis and MCA. The problem of weights.
Monday 11 September at 15.15-17.00, room 1116
Statistics and Bourdieu: from Les Héritiers to La Distinction (F. Lebaron & H. Rouanet)
Tuesday 12 September at 15.15-17.00, room 1116
The Construction of social space and Geometric Data Analysis (F. Lebaron)
Wednesday 13 September at 15.15-17.00, room 1116
Geometric Data Analysis in Bourdieu’s sociology: The field of publishers (H. Rouanet & B. Le Roux)
Thursday 14 September at 15.15-17.00, room 3122
Recent applications : A survey on Racism (P. Bonnet) and a survey on the Norwegian field of power (F. Lebaron)
Friday 15 September at 15.15-17.00, room 1226
Sociology of education and Geometric Data Analysis (D. Broady, I. Lidegran and M. Börjesson)
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This HTML version created by Donald Broady. Last updated Sep 2006
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