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Utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Sociology of Education and Culture at Uppsala University
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International Conference
Studies in Education and Culture (EDUCULT-07)
Uppsala University, May 7-9, 2007
Financed by The Swedish Research Council
Donald Broady,, professor, SEC, Dep. of Studies in Education, Culture and Media, Uppsala University
Mikael Börjesson,, PhD, SEC, Dep. of Studies in Education, Culture and Media, Uppsala University
Martin Gustavsson,, PhD,
SEC, Dep. for Economic History, Stockholm University
Marie Ols, Research Secretary,
Postal address: SEC, Dep. of Studies in Education, Culture and Media Pedagogikum, Uppsala University, Box 2136, SE-75002 Uppsala
Phone +46 18 471 58 83 or +46 18 4716348
Emil Bertilsson,, Research
assistent, SEC, Dep. of Studies in Education, Culture and Media, Uppsala
Phone +46 18 471 24 36 (work) + 46 73 434 98 30 (mobile)
EDUCULT gathers scholars from Sweden, Denmark, Norway and France with interest in research on education and culture in a broad sense. The multidisciplinary ambition is manifested by the variety of the participants’ disciplinary affiliations: Sociology of Education, Sociology, Pedagogics, Social Anthropology, History, History of Ideas, Economic History, Art History, English, Law, and Mathematics.
The conference programme comprises six themes:
One aim of the conference is to present and discuss preliminary results from the three ongoing research projects within SEC, all funded by the Swedish Research Council:
The Royal Road of Schooling. The Science Programme within the Swedish Educational System, Jan. 2006-Dec. 2008,;
The Art of Success in Art. Social Origin, Gender, Education, and Career 1945-2007; Jan. 2006-Dec. 2008,
Transnational Strategies within Higher Education. Sweden’s Relations to France and the US, 1919-2009, Jan. 2007-Dec. 2009
Also related research issues will be addressed in the conference programme.
12.00-13.15 Lunch at Nyfiket (Seminariet, Seminariegatan 1)
13.15-13.30 Welcome and presentation of participants
13.30-14.45 The Field of Art Production and the Art Schools I
Chair: Martin Gustavsson.
Presentation: Martin Gustavsson, Mikael Börjesson, Raoul Galli, Hanna Landström, Ida Lidegran & Christina Wistman, The Art of Success in Art Social Origin, Gender, Education, and Career 1945-2007.
15.15-16.30 The Field of Art Production and the Art Schools II
Chair: Martin Gustavsson.
Presentations: Marta Edling & Mikael Börjesson, On Freedom, Talent, and Charismatic Pedagogy in Higher Education in the Fine Arts.
Mikael Börjesson & Bengt Carlsson, Recruitment to the National Academy of Mime and Acting.
16.45-18.00 Methodological Session: Geometric Data Analysis
Chair: Brigitte Le Roux.
Presentations: Brigitte Le Roux, An Introduction to GDA
Ida Lidegran, The Uppsala Student Cohort.
19.30 Dinner at Ayakos Sushi, Fålhagsleden 1 B,
09.15-10.15 The Struggles on the Curricula through the 19th and 20th Centuries
Chair: Henrik Edgren.
Esbjörn Larsson, School Subjects as Symbolic Capital. On the Emergence of the Swedish Educational System in the 19th Century.
Henrik Edgren, A New School for a New Citizen – Public Debate on Henrik Edgren, A New School for a New Citizen – Public Debate on Swedish
Society and Education in the Early 19th Century. [Paper
in Swedish]
Ingrid Nordqvist, Atheneum in Gävle.
10.45-12.00 The Royal Road of Schooling – Sociological Studies of Science
Chair: Donald Broady.
Mikael Börjesson, The Royal Road of Schooling, [Project
plan in Swedish]
Ylva Boman, Education, Culture and Political Competence - a Study in Uppsala
on Young Peoples' Political Participation.
Ida Lidegran, Natural Science Pupil's Reflexions on their Studies, Abilities,
Resources and Future Careers.
12.00-13.15 Lunch at Nyfiket (Seminariet, Seminariegatan 1)
13.15-14.45 Systems of Education – Expansion, Differentiations and
Hierarchies – The Case of Sweden
Chair: Donald Broady.
Presentations: Donald Broady with Mikael Börjesson, Esbjörn
Larsson, Ida Lidegran & Ingrid Nordqvist, An Evaluation of the Special
Committee on Recruitment. [Text
in Swedish] Discussant: Crister Skoglund [Handout
in English].
Crister Skoglund, The New Attitudes to Widening Participation in
Sweden’s Higher Education Institutions. [Paper
in English]
Mikael Palme & Elisabeth Hultqvist, "If They Could Give Us a Template" A
Study of the Students' Meeting with the Teacher Education. [Text
in Swedish]
15.15-16.30 Systems of Education – Expansion, Differentiations and
Hierarchies – The Case of France
Chair: Elisabeth Hultqvist & Mikael Palme.
Keynote speaker: Stéphane Beaud, An Ethnographic Study of the French Policy
of School Democratization (1985-1995).
"Contrary to most of the empirical enquiries devoted to the analysis of school democratization in France, during the period 1985-95, our own research has been based on a long ethnographic investigation at Sochaux-Montbéliard, an old Peugeot factories area. The aim of our fieldwork, made of participant observation and in-depth interviews, was to suggest an empirical critique of this policy of democratization. The research empathizes on the strong contradictions within the working class families."
16.45-18.00 Methodological Session: Ethnography
Elisabeth Hultqvist & Mikael Palme discus ethnology with Stéphane Beaud on
basis of two of his more recent books, 80 % au
bac... et après ? : Les enfants de la démocratisation scolaire and Pays de malheur ! : Un jeune de cité écrit à un
sociologue. Suivi de Des lecteurs nous ont écrit.
19.30 Dinner at Lingon, Svartbäcksgatan 30,
09.15-10.15 Transnational Fields – the Example of Legal and Economic
Chair: Mikael Börjesson.
Presentations: Ole Hammerslev, US vs. EU in Eastern Europe: Two Modes of
Exporting Law, Expertise, and State Organisation. [Paper
in Danish]
Frédéric Lebaron, Central Bankers in the Global Field of Power. Some Results.
Mikael Rask Madsen, Transnational Objects - Transnational Research
Strategies? On Studying Fields of Human Rights. [Paper
in English]
10.45-12.00 Transnational Strategies in Higher Education
Chair: Donald Broady.
Mikael Börjesson, Transnational Strategies in Higher Education. [Project
plan in Swedish]
Mikael Börjesson & Donald Broady, The Social Profile of Swedish Law
Students. National Divisions and Transnational Educational Strategies. [article in Retfaerd nr 3/114 2006]
Dag Blanck, Swedish-American links. [Paper
in English]
Andreas Melldahl, Swedish Scholars Going West. [Handout
in English]
Bo G. Ekelund & Alexander Ekelund, Goods to Declare: the Swedish
Field of Literary Criticism and the Effects of Transnational Education,
12.00-13.15 Lunch at Nyfiket (Seminariet, Seminariegatan 1)
13.15-14.45 Studies of Elites
Chair: Donald Broady.
Anita Göransson, Swedish Elites.
Martin Gustavsson, The Economic Bourgeoisie in Stockholm 1915-1965.
Johs. Hjellbrekke, Brigitte Le Roux & Frédéric Lebaron, The Norwegian Field of Power Anno
2000. [article in
European Societies, 9:2, 245 - 273]
15.15-16.30 Methodological Session: Interviews
Chair: Mikael Börjesson.
Panel: Stéphane Beaud, Ole Hammerslev, Mikael Rask Madsen & Annick Prieur.
16.45-18.00 Concluding Discussion, Plans for Future Cooperation
Panel: Donald Broady, Mikael Börjesson & Martin Gustavsson.
19.30 Dinner at Trattoria Commedia, Skolgatan 31,
The workshop will take place at Uppsala University, at the Teacher Training campus ("Kvarteret Seminariet") . The hosting institution is the new Dept. of Studies in Education, Culture and Media,
The address of the venue is:
Institutionen för utbildning, kultur och medier/ Dept. of Studies in Education,
Culture and Media, Seminariegatan 1, 75228 UPPSALA
The conference will be held in Room 1219. Take left after entering the buildning by the main
entrance and walk one floor up to the second floor, the room first on the right
is 1219.
Reservation of rooms are made at the Hotel Uppsala. Hotel website:
The hotel is within walking distance (700 m) from the central train station.
Transportation from Arlanda Airport will be by bus, Uppland’s public transport system (UL).
The airport bus (no 801) to Uppsala leaves every half hour. From Terminal 5 bus
no 801 leaves at 12 and 42 minutes past every hour during most of the day. (Last
bus leaves Arlanda at 01.12).
UL time table for bus no 801 can be found here.
It is also possible to go by train to and from Arlanda. See information on travelling to and from Arlanda Airrport here.
There are of course also taxies from Arlanda to Uppsala. The trip will take approximately 20-30 minutes and costs 435 kronor.
©-2007. SEC/UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, Box 2136, 750 02 Uppsala
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Last uppdated May 2007
Responsible for content:
This HTML page created by Donald Broady
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