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Utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Sociology of Education and Culture at Uppsala University
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Materiality of the Texts and Reading Practices
Public lecture by Roger Chartier, Collège de France, Paris
Gustavianum, Uppsala University, 24 Oct. 2018
Time: Wednesday Oct. 24th, 2018, at 14.15-16.30, including coffee break and discussion
Place: Auditorium Minus, Gustavianum, Uppsala. (Akademigatan 3, next to the cathedral entrance)
Language: English
Arranged by the Department of sociology, Uppsala University
Professor Chartier is Professor emeritus at Collège de France where he since 2007 held the chair “Écrit et cultures dans l’Europe moderne” (Writings and Cultures in Modern Europe). He is an historian by training, agrégé in 1969. Since the 1970s he has been a central representative of what was at that time called la nouvelle histoire, i.e. the third generation of the Annales school, emphasising the history of culture, mentalities and representations. His main institutional platform was for many years the Centre de Recherches Historiques at l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, where he has since the 1980s served as Directeur d’Études. This centre is one of the world’s largest and most recognised historical research milieus and the main institutional basis for the Annales school, which has exerted significant worldwide influence not only within the historical disciplines in a narrow sense but also within many other branches of the humanities and social sciences.
M. Chartier’s own research covers vast domains of social and cultural history but a centre of gravity has been his works on the social and cultural history of printed publications and of reading during different ages, from the early modern age up until today. His focus of attention has not been books and other publications as such but rather the readers’ responsiveness to the written word, i.e. the transformations of their perception and reception abilities in different historical situations and different social circumstances. Thus, M. Chartier is an eminent historian of the kind that that stands for a decisively sociological orientation.
For further information on M. Chartier see and
M. Chartier’s sojourn is arranged within the exchange programme between Collège de France and Uppsala University. For more information on his visit contact Donald Broady <>, who will act as his host during the events organised by the Department of sociology. Other events will be hosted by the Department of modern languages.
Everyone who is interested is welcome.
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Created by Donald Broady. Last updated Aug 2018
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