This document is an historical remnant. It belongs to the collection Skeptron Web Archive (included in Donald Broady's archive) that mirrors parts of the public Skeptron web site as it appeared on 31 December 2019, containing material from the research group Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC) and the research programme Digital Literature (DL). The contents and file names are unchanged while character and layout encoding of older pages has been updated for technical reasons. Most links are dead. A number of documents of negligible historical interest as well as the collaborators’ personal pages are omitted.
The site's internet address was since Summer 1993 and since 2006
Digital Literature
A research program at KTH and Uppsala University
URL of this page is
Digital litteratur, publikationer
(Digital Literature, Publications)
Digital literature is an R&D program, in the beginning at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) and since 1997 in collaboration between KTH and Uppsala University.
The aim has been to develop methods and tools for the encoding, management, and delivery of information, mainly in the humanities, in accordance with relevant international standards as SGML, XML, HyTime, and DSSSL
During the last years the activities have been minor. Hence the projects and publications reported below are mainly of historical interest, and many of the links are long dead.
Director: Donald Broady <>,
URL and,
Co-ordinator until Summer 2011: Monica Langerth Zetterman <>, URL
Donald Broady: Hypertextsystem som stöd för skrivande och samarbete. Aktuella utvecklingstendenser. IPLab-rapport 7, 1988.
Donald Broady: "Informasjionsteknologi for et desentralisert skolesystem". Uddanningskvalitet - styrbar eller ustyrlig? Om målstyring og kvalitetsvurdering av norsk skole (Ed. Marit Granheim, Ulf P. Lundgren, Tom Tiller). Oslo: Tano, 1990, pp. 300-310.
Hasse Haitto: SGML-relaterade verktyg för intermediära former och dokumenthantering. IPLab-rapport 37, 1991.
Donald Broady: "Kunskapsverkstaden - om lokala dokumentbaser som arbetsverktyg för lärare", Datorn i Utbildningen, Vol. V, No. 2 1992, pp. 22-28.
Donald Broady: "Lokala dokumentbaser för undervisningsbruk", pp. 59-63 in: Technology and Competence. Proceedings from the 8th Nordic Conference on Information and Documentation. Stockholm: Tekniska Litteratursällskapet, 1992.
Donald Broady, Hasse Haitto, Peter Lidbaum, Magnus Tobiasson: Darc - Document Archive Controller. IPLab-rapport 63, 1993.
Donald Broady: "Skrivandets hantverk och persondatorn", Forskning om utbildning, Vol. XX, No. 3-4 1993, pp. 95-107.
Donald Broady, Hasse Haitto: "Flexible management of SGML-encoded documents - Design principles in Darc", Documentation Europe '93. Conference Proceedings. Alexandria, Vancouver, USA: Graphic Communications Association, 1993.
Donald Broady, Hasse Haitto, Peter Lidbaum, Magnus Tobiasson: Navigational Issues and Multi-User Layered Hypertext in the Darc System. IPLab, March 1993.
Donald Broady: "Det nya handbiblioteket", pp. 83-107 in: Biblioteken, Kulturen och den sociala intelligensen. Aktuell forskning inom
biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap (Ed. Lars Höglund). Göteborg:
Forskningsrådsnämnden/Valfrid, 1995.
HTML version
Donald Broady: Digital Critical Editions. The case of the Swedish National Edition of August Strindberg's collected works. Paper read at the conference DRH96 (Digital Resources for the Humanities), Oxford University, July 1-3 1996.
Donald Broady & Hasse Haitto: Internet and the humanities: the promises of
Integrated Open Hypermedia. Paper read at the conference "Contemporary computer
and network technologies", Moskva, 17-18 Jan. 1996. (Report IPLab-106, jan 1996,
and Report CID-1, 1997). In Proceedings of Contemporary computer and network
technologies, Children's Computer Club, Moscow, January 1996, digital
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John Juliusson: SGML-märkning av medeltida jordeboksmaterial. Master thesis
TRITA-NA-D9705, CID-14, Nada, May 1997.
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Donald Broady: Content design. Methods and tools for the creation of portable
hypermedia archives. Notes for a proposed CID project. Version 2, 1997-10-04.
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Karl Hjalmarsson: Dokumentdatabaser som stöd för lärare - en prototyp till en
rikstäckande, distribuerad dokumentbas för skolbruk. Masters thesis
TRITA-NA-D9807, CID-34, Royal Institute of Technology, September 1998.
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Mikael Nilsson & Matthias Palmér: Conzilla - Towards a Concept Browser. Technical report TRITA-NA-D9911, CID-53, August 1999.
Ambjörn Naeve: Conceptual Navigation and Multiple Scale Narration in a Knowledge
Manifold. Technical report TRITA-NA-D9910, CID-52, 1999.
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Mats B. Andersson: Lärdomäner - om utbildning vid behov. Technical report
TRITA-NA-D9908, CID-50, June 1999.
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Ambjörn Naeve: IT-baserade matematikverkyg - några tidigare och några pågående
KTH-projekt. Technical report TRITA-NA-D9907, CID-48, June 1999.
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Donald Broady: "Hur kodar man Röda Rummet?", pp. 48-61 i ABM, IT och forskningen. Rapport från en konferens på Kungliga Biblioteket den 17 november 1999. Red. Mats Rolén. Stockholm; Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, 2000. Elektronisk publikation,,_IT_och_forskningen.pdf
Ore, Espen S./Short, Harold/Broady, Donald/Ballam, Anthea/Burnard, Lou/Burr, Elisabeth/Lee, Stuart/Opas, Lisa Lena/Rommel, Thomas: "Chapter 3. European studies on textual scholarship and humanities computing", pp. 63-88 in Smedt, Koenraad de/Hazel Gardiner, Espen Ore, Tito Orlandi, Harold Short, Jacques Souillot, William Vaughan (Ed.): Computing in Humanities Education. A European Perspective. SOCRATES/ERASMUS thematic network project on Advanced Computing in the Humanities. Bergen: University of Bergen, 1999.
Donald Broady: "Digitala arkiv och portföljer", pp. 11-16 i IT i skolan -
mirakelmedicin eller sockerpiller? Rapport 45/2001. Stockholm: IT-kommissionen,
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Jan Sjunnesson: Digital Learning Portfolios: Inventory and Proposal for Swedish
Teacher Education. Uppsala University, ILU, 18 Dec 2001.
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Jan Danils, Jöran Stark: SCAM - Standardized Content Archive Management, Draft
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Jonas Gustafsson: Digitala läromedel. En förundersökning inför ett
forskningsprogram. På uppdrag av LearnIT, KK-stiftelsen, 2002
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Jan Sjunnesson: Metadata for learning objects: overview, prospects and test.
Master thesis report/D-uppsats, Department of teacher education/Uppsala Learning
Lab, Uppsala University 26 April 2003
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Created by Donald Broady. Last updated 2011
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