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Utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Sociology of Education and Culture at Uppsala University
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Domestic Arenas of Internationalization
Swedish Higher Education and International Students, 1945—2015
2012-10-05 Mikael Börjesson & Donald Broady: "Oraison funèbre du modèle suédois" La marchandisation de l’enseignement supérieur dans le monde, Université de Paris 1-Pantheon-Sorbonne.
2012-09-22 Dag Blanck presents "On Writing Trans Atlantic History: The Case of the US and Sweden" at the Swedish Association for American Studies biennial conference, Uppsala University.
2012-06-13 SEC-seminar. Discussion of Tobias Dalberg's Magister thesis: "Internationalisering av högre utbildning. Expansionen av engelskspråkiga utbildningar i Sverige 1993-2009".
2012-05-09 SEC-seminar. Whole day seminar "Internationalisering inom gymnasieskolan, den högre utbildningen och forskningen" with presentations by Mikael Börjesson, Tobias Dalberg, Josefine Krigh, Christin May, Mona Mårtensson, Mikael Palme, Andreas Åkerlund.
2012-04-18 National EMN-Conference 2012 "Entry and stay of international students Stockholm", 18 April 2012. Mikael Börjesson: "Domestic Arenas of Internationalization: Swedish Higher Education and International Students".
2012-02-02 Forum för internationalisering, Högskoleverket. Mikael Börjesson: "Internationaliseringens nationella arenor. Svensk högre utbildning och utländska studenter, 1945-2015 ".
2011-09-28 SEC-seminar. Dag Blanck presents his text "Sweden, the United States and trans-Atlantic academic contacts in the 20th century".
2011-09-23 Universities in Transition. A workshop on the role of changing universities. Uppsala Lecture in Business 2011, The Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University. Mikael Börjesson comments Lars Engwall's paper "Corporations and Universities".
2011-09-22 - 2011-09-23 Les sciences sociales et leurs publics. Engagements et distanciations, University Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, Romania. Presentation by Alexander Ekelund: "La réception de Julia Kristeva en Suède – féminisme français comme un atout symbolique dans les champs de critique littéraire".
2011-06-07 Mona Mårtensson & Mikael Palme: "Francophilie comme capital symbolique", présentation à la 14ème Réunion annuelle des chercheurs français en Suède, à Stockholm, section sciences humaines et sociales. Rencontre organisée conjointement par l'Ambassade de France en Suède et l'Association franco-suédoise pour la recherche.
2011-04-05 Dag Blanck gave the speach "Transatlantic Dreaming: Sweden and the United States in the 20th century", Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H.
2011-02-16 - 2011-02-17 SEC-Internal Conference at Vår Gård Saltsjöbaden.
2011-02-08 - 2011-02-11 International Conference on Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods, CARME-2011, Agrocampus, Rennes. Bo G. Ekleund & Mikael Börjesson: Mapping a Citational Universe: A GDA of Literary Dissertation Bibliographies. Abstract.
2011-02-11 Andreas Åkerlund defends his thesis Mellan akademi och kulturpolitik. Lektorat i svenska språket vid tyska universitet 1906-1945 at IX, Uppsala University.
2011-01-29 Sverige utifrån. Forskning och undervisning om Sverige vid utländska universitet [Sweden from abroad. Research and teaching about Sweden at foreign universities], a one day symposion arranged by Dag Blanck, in collaboration with SEC, the Faculty of Languages, the Forum for German studies, and SINAS, all Uppsala Universitet.
©-2012. SEC/UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, Box 2136, 750 02 Uppsala
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Created by Donald Broady. Last updated Oct 2012
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