This document is an historical remnant. It belongs to the collection Skeptron Web Archive (included in Donald Broady's archive) that mirrors parts of the public Skeptron web site as it appeared on 31 December 2019, containing material from the research group Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC) and the research programme Digital Literature (DL). The contents and file names are unchanged while character and layout encoding of older pages has been updated for technical reasons. Most links are dead. A number of documents of negligible historical interest as well as the collaborators’ personal pages are omitted.
The site's internet address was since Summer 1993 and since 2006
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Utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Sociology of Education and Culture at Uppsala University
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Konferenser, seminarier, kurser 2013
anordnade på annat håll
men av intresse för SEC och DL
Nedan info om evenemang i kronologisk ordning
Se även noteringar från tidigare år
2013-04-03 - 2013-04-05 Conference
[British Sociological Association]
London, 3-5 April 2013
Deltagande från SEC:
Mikael Börjesson och Andreas Melldahl presenterar ett paper "Mapping a National Social Space: The Case of Sweden in 1990"
2013-08-10 - 2013-08-13 Conference
New York 10-13 augusti 2013
Deltagande från SEC:
Martin Gustavsson, Andreas Melldahl & Mikael Börjesson presenterade ett paper "The Profane Basis of Sacred Power. Social Backgrounds of Swedish Artists in Dominant Positions 1945-2004".
2013-08-28 - 2013-08-31
Turin, Italien, 28-31 aug 2013
Deltagande från SEC: Ida Lidegran m.fl.
2013-09-11 - 2013-09-13 Symposium
11-13 Sept. 2013 at Södertörn University & Moderna Museet.
Arr. Dep. of Art History, Södertörn University
Ansv. arrangör: Annika Öhrner.
2013-09-27 Open Lecture
Alan Warde, Manchester University
27 September at 10.15-11.45
Uppsala University, Campus BMC, room B22
Arr. Department of food, nutrition and dietetics
2013-10-19 - 203-10-20 Konferens
19-20 oktober 2013
ABF-huset, Stockholm
Deltagande från SEC:
Magnus Hörnqvist <>, Mikael Börjesson <> & Martin Gustavsson <> arrangerar en session "Hur förstå klass genom Marx?"
Donald Broady presenterar ett paper under sessionen "Kapitalet i dag", arr. Anders Ramsay <>
2013-10-04 - 2013-10-05 Konferens
Lund 4–5 Oktober 2013
Deltagande från SEC:
Andreas Melldahl
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Created by Donald Broady. Last updated 31 Dec. 2013
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