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Utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Sociology of Education and Culture at Uppsala University
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Konferenser, seminarier, kurser 2009
anordnade på annat håll
men av intresse för SEC och DL
Nedan info om evenemang i kronologisk ordning
2009-02-07. Marxism and Education: Renewing Dialogues XI, Institute of Education, London.
2009-02-10 -- 2009-02-13. PhD course in Geometric Data Analysis. Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen.
2009-03-13 -- 2009-03-19. Conference "Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods". Dresden, Deutschland.
2009-03-27. Lire les sciences sociales, L’Idéologie dominante. Avec Luc Boltanski. Paris.
2009-05-27 Föreläsning av Francine Cicurel. Uppsala.
2009-06-11 -- 2009-06-14. The 39th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology. Yerevan, Armenia.2009-2009-07-31 kl 21.30. La culture, entre légitimisme et diversité: un point de vue sociologique. Jean-Louis Fabiani, presentation på nätet (i Second Life).
2009-09-10 ff. Seminarieserie "Kommunikation: Kultur, teknologi och vetenskap". KTH, Stockholm.
2009-10-02 -- 2009-10-03. Was tun mit dem Erbe? Die Kombination soziologischer Diagnose und politischen Engagements im Werk Pierre Bourdieus. Universität Bielefeld.
2009-11-19 ff. SALT Workshop "Academic Writing in English", Uppsala
2009-10-21 ff Forskarutbildningskurs "Videobaserad forskning: mikroanalyser och etnografi i pedagogiska sammanhang", Ped inst, Uppsala universitet.
2009-11-17 -- 2009-11-18. Konferanse "Livshistorieforsking og kvalitative intervju med fokus på Pierre Bourdieus forståing, metodologiske refleksjonar og praktiske tilnærming", Universitete i Bergen, Norge.
2009-12-10 -- 2009-12-11 Workshop "Paths Towards Reflexive Sociology: Ethnography Matters". Porto, Portugal.
A Day Seminar
Saturday February 7th 2009 at 9.30 – 5.00
Institute of Education, University of London
20 Bedford Way, WC1
Room: Students Union
We will be focusing upon the current crisis of capitalism and its ramifications
for education.
We are pleased to confirm the following line-up of speakers: Pat Ainley, Martin
Allen, Joyce Canaan, Roger Dale, Ken Jones, Susan Robertson, Gurnam Singh, Ken
The seminar is free but places are limited. To reserve a place and receive a
numbered ticket, please contact Alpesh Maisuria at: A waiting list
will come into operation when all the places have been allocated.
Convenors: Tony Green and Alpesh Maisuria
2009-02-10 -- 2009-02-13
Time: 10.-13. February 2009.
9. February there will be an introduction to SPAD, the programme used throughout
the course. For the PhD students who are not familiar with SPAD this part will
be compulsory. Teacher: Jan Frederiksen, PhD student at the Department of
Psychology and Educational Studies, Roskilde University
Enrolment: Email secretary of the PhD programme Anne-Lise
Schulze Andersen not later than 19. December at:
Maximum number of participants: 25.
Place: CCS, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 Copenhagen K, room 2.2.18.
Fee: DKK 1070 (covering food and compendium)
• Brigitte Le Roux, Université René Descartes, Paris
• Philippe Bonnet, Université René Descartes, Paris
• Frédéric Lebaron, Université de Picardie, Amiens/CSE (Centre de sociologie
Language: English
Knowledge concerning elementary descriptive procedures; mean, variance; scatter
diagrams, linear regression, correlation contingency tables. High school level
knowledge of geometry: points, vectors, parallelism, distance, angles.
Every day from 9-16.
Each day there will be
- a statistical lecture
- a computer workshop
- a sociological lecture
- opportunities for further individual work on own material supervised by the
Monday 9th February
Introduction to SPAD
In this introduction we will focus on the practical side of doing GDA. The
introduction focuses on how to operate SPAD and read its output. It will not be
an introduction to the principle of GDA but an opportunity to gain a little
practical experience with SPAD and thus a better starting point for the main
part of the course. If you are familiar with SPAD this part is not compulsory.
Tuesday 10th
1. Statistical lecture: Overview of Geometric Data Analysis (GDA): Principal
axes of an Euclidean Cloud. An introduction. B. Le Roux.
2. Computer workshop: Recoding data. Descriptive statistics. P. Bonnet.
3. Sociological lecture: How Bourdieu “quantified” Bourdieu. F. Lebaron.
Wednesday 11th
1. Statistical lecture: Multiple Correspondence Analysis: Interpretation of
axes on an example. B. Le Roux & P. Bonnet.
2. Computer workshop: How to perform MCA on the Culture Example, including a new
feature in SPAD: Specific MCA. B. Le Roux & P. Bonnet.
3. Sociological lecture: Are there differences among world central bankers? F.
Lebaron. Thursday 12th
1. Statistical lecture: Investigation of the cloud of individuals. Structured
Data Analysis. B. Le Roux & P. Bonnet.
2. Computer workshop: Graphical representations including a new feature in SPAD:
Concentration Ellipses. B. Le Roux & P. Bonnet.
3. Sociological lecture: Experience biographies of social educators. Jan
Friday 13th
1. Presentation and discussion of PhD projects. If you are interested in presenting your project and its relation to GDA here is the opportunity to have it discussed and commented upon. Please notify by enrolment if you are interested in presenting.
Reference Books
Benzécri, Jean-Paul et al.: L'Analyse des Données. II. L'analyse des
correspondances [1973]. Paris: Dunod, 4 edition 1982.
Benzécri, Jean-Paul: Correspondence Analysis Handbook. New York: Dekker,
Lebaron, Frédéric. L’enquête quantitative en Sciences sociales. Recueil et
analyse des données. Paris, Dunod, 2006.
Lebart, Ludovic, Alain Morineau & Kenneth M. Warwick: Multivariate
Descriptive Statistical Analysis. Correspondence Analysis and Related
Techniques for Large Matrices [1977]. New York: Wiley, 1984.
Le Roux, Brigitte & Henry Rouanet: Geometric Data Analysis. From
Correspondence Analysis to Structured Data Analysis.
Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
Reference papers (English language papers will be collected in
a compendium and distributed to participants to be read before the course)
Frédéric Lebaron, How Bourdieu « quantified » Bourdieu. The Geometric
Modelling of Data. Chapter 2 in Karen Robson and Chris Sanders (eds), Quantifying Theory: Pierre Bourdieu. Springer Science + Business Media B.V.
2009, p. 11-29.
Brigitte Le Roux, Henry Rouanet, Mike Savage and Alan Warde, Class and Cultural
Division in the UK, to appear (2008) in Sociology (46-2).
(See working paper N°40:
Frédéric Lebaron (2008) "Central bankers in the contemporary global field of
power. A Geometric Data Analysis approach". The Sociological Review,
Volume 56, Supplement 1, May 2008, pp. 121-144(24)
Hjellbrekke Josh., Le Roux Brigitte, Korsnes Olav, Lebaron Frédéric, Rosenlund
Lennart and Rouanet Henry (2007): The Norwegian Fiels Of Power Anno 2000, European Societies, 9(2), p.245-273.
Chiche J., Le Roux B., Perrineau J., & Rouanet H. (2000): L'espace politique des
électeurs français à la fin des années 1990: nouveaux et anciens clivages,
hétérogénéité des électorats, Revue française de science politique, Vol
50, no3.
Rouanet H., Ackermann W. & Le Roux B. (2000): The geometric analysis of
questionnaires: The Lesson of Bourdieu's La Distinction, Bulletin de
Méthodologie Sociologique, no 65.
P. Bonnet, Le Roux B. & Lemaine G. (1996): Analyse géométrique des données: une
enquête sur le racisme, Math. et Sc. Hum.
2009-03-13 -- 2009-03-19
Call for papers
Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods
Session organizers: Patrick Groenen, Michael Greenacre and Jörg Blasius
Conference: IFCS 2009
Location: Dresden, Germany
Conference dates: March 13-19, 2009
Conference website:
Deadline submission abstracts: November 3, 2008.
During the last decades there has been a steady and
increasing interest in correspondence analysis for the visualization and
interpretation of categorical data. We hereby announce a call for papers for the
IFSC2009 in Dresden on "Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods". The
objective of this session is to spotlight the very latest research in
correspondence analysis and related techniques, and discuss future developments.
Themes of the sessions include all forms of correspondence analysis and related
fields, including visualization of categorical data:
* Simple correspondence analysis
* Multiple correspondence analysis
* Joint correspondence analysis
* Multiway correspondence analysis
* Canonical correspondence analysis
* Nonsymmetrical correspondence analysis
* Dual scaling
* Optimal scaling
* Homogeneity analysis
* Multidimensional scaling of categorical data
* Biplots of categorical data
* Visualization of compositional data
* Correspondence analysis in the social sciences
* Correspondence analysis in ecology and the
environmental sciences
* Correspondence analysis in the health sciences
* Correspondence analysis in marketing research and
* Principal component analysis
* Geometric data analysis
Please send your abstract before November 3, 2009 through the conference website. When submitting the abstract, choose invited sessions and check the Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods check box.
We hope to see you at the CARME session during the IFCS 2009 meeting!
The CARME session organisers, Patrick Groenen, Michael Greenacre and Jörg Blasius
Prof. dr. Patrick J.F. Groenen
Econometric Institute, Erasmus School of Economics
Associate Director ERIM
(Erasmus Research Institute of Management)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Room H11.25, P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
tel: ++ 31 10 408 1281
fax: ++ 31 10 408 9162
(en présence de Luc Boltanski),
Rencontre organisée par Gérard Mauger et Louis Pinto
Pierre Bourdieu & Luc Boltanski.- La Production de l’idéologie dominante. Paris, Éditions Raisons d’agir, Éditions Demopolis, 2008
présenté par Gérard Mauger
L’idéologie dominante est l’idéologie des dominants. Elle s’impose socialement
comme une évidence légitime fondée jadis sur la propriété, hier sur la
compétence, aujourd’hui sur le mérite. Selon une logique circulaire implacable,
elle contribue à reproduire l’ordre social en faisant des propriétés sociales
des dominants le fondement légitime de la domination. Pour contrer le discours
de la fin des idéologies, de la disparition des classes et des intérêts de
classes, il faut démonter la philosophie sociale dominante dans le champ du
pouvoir. Écrit il y a une trentaine d’années à propos de la France de Giscard,
ce texte, à la fois politique et scientifique, fournit les outils nécessaires à
un tel démontage pour peu qu’on veuille l’appliquer à la France de Sarkozy.
Ce texte a été publié pour la première fois en 1976 dans les Actes de la
recherche en sciences sociales
Luc Boltanski.- Rendre la réalité inacceptable. À propos de La Production de
l’idéologie dominante. Paris, Éditions Demopolis, 2008
présenté par Louis Pinto
Dans l’effervescence des années 1970, de jeunes sociologues créent autour de
Pierre Bourdieu une nouvelle revue : Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales.
Dans un des premiers articles de la revue, Pierre Bourdieu et Luc Boltanski
s’attaquent à la question centrale de « La Production de l’idéologie dominante
». Trente ans plus tard, Luc Boltanski ouvre à nouveau le dossier. Riche
d’anecdotes personnelles, son récit nous livre la genèse de ce texte. Il
débouche sur une critique radicale des formes actuelles de l’idéologie dominante.
Véritable manifeste, il vise à nous rendre la réalité inacceptable.
Vendredi 27 mars 2009
(10 h 00 - 13 h 00)
- salle de conférence -
CNRS-Site Pouchet
59/61, rue Pouchet 75849 Paris cedex 17
Métro : Guy Môquet ou Brochant
Bus : 66 (arrêt La Jonquière)
2009-05-27 Föreläsning på franska arrangerad av Fortbildningsavdelningen för skolans internationalisering
Tid: Onsd 27 maj kl 15-17
Fortbildningsavdelningen för skolans internationalisering, Seminariegatan 1 (Gula
villan), Uppsala.
Fortbildningsavdelningen för skolans internationalisering <> inbjuder till en föreläsning på franska av Francine Cicurel <>, som är professor i språkvetenskap och didaktik vid institutionen för franska som främmande språk, Université Paris III-Sorbonne nouvelle. Francine Cicurel behandlar bland annat i sitt föredrag pedagogens roll i interaktionen i klassrummet, pedagogiska »ritualer« samt hanteringen av de olika krav som undervisningen ställer. Plats: Fortbildningsavdelningen för skolans internationalisering, Seminariegatan 1 (Gula villan). Observera! Post seminarium. För ytterligare information kontakta Véronique Simon, 070 167 91 91,
2009-06-11 -- 2009-06-14
Welcome to the 39th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology
The 39th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology will take place, as announced, at Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia, Thursday afternoon, June 11 - Sunday, June 14, 2009. The theme of the Congress is:
The five previous World Congresses of the IIS have
highlighted dilemmas of human existence and societal institutions in the
contemporary world. They have examined problems of social existence amidst
processes of globalization, cooperation and violent conflict. They have been
conducted in the spirit which guided the formation of the IIS, namely that of an
engagement and encounter between a variety of theoretical positions among
members of a truly international community of scholars.
The 39th World Congress will reaffirm that spirit. It will have three broad
foci, namely questions concerning the way sociology can arrive at a reformulated
understanding of dilemmas of humanity in the contemporary era, including the
nature of war and violence, of political order and states and state-like
entities, of religious and cultural encounters, of processes of collective
memories, traumas and reconciliations, and of shifting conceptions of law, legal
regulation, human rights and international order.
The Congress will also highlight cutting-edge theoretical advances in sociology
and neighbouring disciplines as well as teaching and curricular developments of
sociology and social science in general in universities in the future.
The structure of the Congress is straightforward. The Congress will open on
Thursday afternoon, June 11, with two plenary sessions. Each morning of the
three following days, June 12-14, there will be two plenary sessions. The
afternoons will be devoted to sessions proposed and organized by participants
The Congress is hosted by Yerevan State University (YSU) and organized by
Lyudmila Harutyunyan, Dean of Sociology, YSU, and Björn Wittrock, Principal of
SCAS and President of the IIS, together with Craig Calhoun, New York University
(NYU), and President, Social Science Research Council (SSRC), New York; Yehuda
Elkana, Central European University (CEU); Peter Hedström, Nuffield College,
Oxford and Singapore Management University (SMU), Secretary-General, IIS, and
President, European Academy of Sociology; Hans Joas, Max-Weber-Kolleg,
University of Erfurt, University of Chicago, and Vice-President, International
Sociological Association; and Shalini Randeria, University of Zürich and
President, European Association of Social Anthropologists.
The IIS is a community of scholars, not a union of professional associations.
Thus the IIS plays a complementary rather than a competitive role relative to
its younger but larger sister institution, the International Sociological
Association (ISA), of which IIS itself is a member and with which IIS is engaged
in close and friendly interaction. At the previous World Congresses of the IIS,
President, Vice-Presidents and former Presidents of the ISA have been present
and have contributed greatly to the intellectual profile of the Congresses. We
are convinced that there will be an equally strong presence of the ISA and of
its Research Committees in Yerevan as well.
The 39th World Congress of the IIS is jointly sponsored by YSU and the Swedish
Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS).
We greatly look forward to seeing you at a Congress that promises to become a
landmark for the extension of sociological dialogue to new areas, arenas and
regions of the world.
You are warmly welcome to Yerevan in 2009,
Lyudmila Harutyunyan Björn Wittrock
2009-07-31 kl 21.30 Presentation i Second Life
Le collectif Kraken-Art a le plaisir de vous inviter à venir écouter Jean-Louis Fabiani le 31 juillet à 21h30 sur l'espace second life Pierre Bourdieu un hommage
Son intervention aura pour titre "La culture, entre légitimisme et diversité: un point de vue sociologique"
Depuis le modèle construit par Bourdieu il y a trente ans dans la Distinction, la question de la légitimité culturelle a fait l'objet d'un débat incessant. Doit-on abandonner de modèle puissant d'intelligibilité de la culture au profit d'une vision plus éclatée de la culture où la domination n'est plus le centre du dispositif d'explication. La revendication d'une "culture populaire" n'es-elle pas un piège. Avec quels outils le sociologues doit-il entrer dans le débat ? On tente de répondre, avec des armes empiriques tirées de plusieurs enquêtes sur les publics de la culture.
Jean-Louis Fabiani, directeur d'études à l'EHESS, est l'auteur de plusieurs ouvrages dont:
L'Education populaire et le théâtre. Le public d'Avignon en action, PUG.
Après la culture légitime. Objets publics, autorités, L'Harmattan.
La petite mer des oubliés, Etang de Berre, paradoxe méditerranéen (avec Frank Pourcel) Le Bec en l'air.
Les Philosophes de la République, Minuit.
Suivez ces liens pour écouter et poser vos questions:
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Page d'accueil du groupe : PierreBourdieuunhommage
Adresse mail du groupe :
2009-08-10 ff
Under hösten 2009 organiseras för tionde gången seminarieserien "Kommunikation: Kultur, teknologi och vetenskap" av skolan för datavetenskap och kommunikation vid KTH. Temat för höstens seminarieserie är "Fenomenologi, teknologi och media". Seminariet äger alltid rum på torsdagar, kl. 14-16, på torget, Lindstedtsvägen 5, plan 6
10 sept "From techne to technology – through Heidegger’s thinking", Soraya
Guimarães (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - Natal,
Brasilien/Södertörns högskola)
17 sept "Sacrifice and Salvation – Jan Patocka's readings of Heidegger
concerning the question of technique", Marcia Sa Cavalcante Schuback (Filosofi,
Södertörns högskola)
24 sept "Why Heideggerians can love their laptops without guilt", Robert Scharff
(University of New Hampshire)
1 okt Litteraturseminarium
8 okt "Drabbad av film? Åskådarskap och affektiva vändningar inom
filmforskning", Anu Koivunen (Filmvetenskapliga institutionen, Stockholms
15 okt "From phenomenology of media to medial phenomenology", Emmanuel Alloa (Eikones
– NFS Iconic Criticism & Philosophisches Institut, Universität Basel)
22 okt "Technology and time – phenomenological analyses of the production of
presence", Hans Ruin (Filosofi, Södertörns högskola)
5 nov "Function and Meaning: The Double Aspects of Technology", Andrew Feenberg
(Simon Fraser University)
12 nov Litteraturseminarium
19 nov "Husserl, urjorden och tekniken", Sven-Olof Wallenstein (Filosofi,
Södertörns högskola)
26 nov "Kroppen som multistabilt fenomen: fenomenologiska och teknologiska
aspekter i koreografisk process", Åsa Unander-Scharin (Independent scholar)
3 dec "Phenomenology and pharmacology: The question of tertiary retention",
Bernard Stiegler (Institut de recherche et d'innovation (IRI), Paris)
10 dec "Kroppen gör staden: Minne, mediering och affekt i Shanghai", Amanda
Lagerkvist (Swedish Institute for North American Studies (SINAS), Engelska
institutionen, Uppsala universitet)
17 dec "Forskning när vi vill förändra verkligheten – Aktionsforskning och
Människa-datorinteraktion", Jan Gulliksen (Skolan för datavetenskap och
kommunikation, KTH)
Se även
Kontaktpersoner under HT 2009 är Leif Dahlberg <>
och Jenny Sundén <>
2009-10-02 -- 2009-10-03 Universität Bielefeld
[ The following is a download from
Links to the contributions are to be found at
and at ]
Bourdieu Tagung vom Freitag den 2. bis Samstag 3. Oktober 2009
Die Werke von Pierre Bourdieu zählen zu dem Bekanntesten, was
die Gegenwartssoziologie zu bieten hat. Dabei sind die Rezeptionsweisen ebenso
weit gestreut wie die Bezugspunkte zu anderen soziologischen Ansätzen: von Weber
über Rational Choice bis hin zu Marx und der Kritischen Theorie. Ein zentrales
Ziel der Tagung ist, anhand der bourdieuschen Herrschafts- und Machtanalyse die
Verbindungslinien zwischen Sozialwissenschaften und den aktuellen sozialen
Protesten und sozialen Bewegungen nachzuvollziehen. Mit dieser Tagung soll die
kritische Analyse der Gegenwartsgesellschaften gestärkt und ein Einblick in die
internationale Bourdieu-Rezeption vermittelt werden.
Die Teilnahme an der Tagung ist kostenfrei.
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt.
Wir bitten um eine Anmeldung bis zum 25.09.2009
Bitte senden Sie Ihre Anmeldungen an:
postalisch: Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften
Diana Sahrai
Postfach 10 01 31
33501 Bielefeld
per Fax: 0521/106-6433
per Mail:
Allgemeine Hinweise
Universität Bielefeld
Universitätsstraße 25
33615 Bielefeld
Weitere Informationen:
Ullrich Bauer
Uwe H. Bittlingmayer
Carsten Keller
Franz Schultheis
2009-11-17 -- 2009-11-18. Forskarskulen ved Institutt for samfunnsmedisinske fag og helsefag, Universitetet i Bergen, arrangerer i forbindelse med pågåande forskarkurs konferansen:
Tid: 17- 18. november 2009 kl. 09-16
Sted: Institutt for samfunnsmedisinske fag, Kalfarveien 31, 5018 Bergen (stad kan verte endra)
Ansvarlig for konferansen er Professor Karin Anna Petersen i samarbeid med universitetslektor Oscar Tranvåg
Kl. 09-12 Staf Callewaert Tema: Kritiske refleksjonar over den livshistoriske
trend og forståing og forklaring i dei sosiale vitskapane, ifølge Pierre
Kl. 13-16 Carina Carlhed Tema: Om tru, førestilling og symbolsk makt innan
habiliteringa 1960 – 1980; Eit empirisk arbeid med bruk av Bourdieu sine omgrep.
Kl. 09-12. Jette Steensen Tema: Biografiske intervju i kritisk realistisk
Kl. 13-16: Stinne Glasdam Tema: Bruk av Bourdieu i studie av pårørande i det
onkologiske felt.
Kari Martinsen deltar på konferansen som diskusjonspartner.
Konferansens målgruppe er:
- Deltakarar på forskarkurset MEDSYKVIT.
- Andre interesserte ph.d.kandidatar.
Alle med interesse for denne tematikken er velkomne. Det kan utstedast kursbevis
for dei som ynskjer det.
For eksterne deltakarer er det ei konferanseavgift på kr 500,-.
Påmelding innan 10. november til Eldbjørg Sanden Søvik, Institutt for samfunnsmedisinske fag, Kalfarveien 31.Telefon: +47 55 58 61 42,
Mer information på
eller från Karin Anna Petersen <>
2009-12-10 -- 2009-12-11
Porto, Portugal, December 10th–11th 2009
June 15th – October 30th 2009
Continuous development and changing nature of our society require a steady
reflection on and revision of our ways of doing sociological research.
Oftentimes, however, sociologists are faced with rigidly structured academic
fields that force scholars to be cautious while choosing research topic and
methods of inquiry. Nonetheless, social change has a direct impact on what we
study, how we conduct research, and how we present our research findings.
Moving from positive science to reflexive science means a constant questioning
about the social and political implications of social research. It also means
being aware of the specific social effects generated by the researcher's
presence in the world he/she studies. PTRS: Ethnography matters invites papers
that address these issues. We welcome submissions not only from scholars, but
also from social practitioners and activists who have a first-hand experience.
The session will have two main focuses:
1. Ways of doing and reasoning
New research fields and questions often require not only changes in our
research methods and techniques, but also a will to permanently embrace
theoretical and epistemological questioning.
We use visual materials, instead of only focusing on numbers and words, to
make our studies more elaborate; we employ online questionnaires and
discussion forums to collect data; we use statistical and qualitative software
during the data analysis stage; especially, we submit ourselves to fieldwork
Refusing the academic «state of grace» usually taken for granted, we are ready
to reflect upon our work and our place when conducting social research.
We encourage submissions that deal with unconventional ways of conducting
social research and with the challenges and opportunities of a reflexive
sociological craft.
2. Innovative Ways of Presenting Results
Unconventional ways of doing research are not only about employing «new
technology» or «innovative techniques». They bring to the fore some of the
social, practical, epistemological, and ethical impacts often disregarded in
the academic world.
Traditionally, sociologists have attended conferences and published peer-
reviewed articles and books to share their research results with others.
Nowadays, sociologists can't ignore the growing demands issuing from the very
same individuals and communities until now often reduced to the status of
mere «objects» or «informants».
We thus invite papers that address the nature of research results and new ways
of knowledge presentation and dissemination.
Please send your presentation's title and abstract (max. 300 words), as well
as contact details, to
For further information, visit
Scientific Committee
Simon Charlesworth
Clare Hall (University of Cambridge)
Wiebke Keim
Department for Social Work and Social Policy (Fribourg University)
João Miguel Teixeira Lopes
Departamento de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras (University of Porto)
Instituto de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras (University of Porto)
Bruno Monteiro
Instituto de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras (University of Porto)
Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas (University of Porto)
Virgílio Borges Pereira
Departamento de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras (University of Porto)
Instituto de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras (University of Porto)
José Madureira Pinto
Instituto de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras (University of Porto)
João Queirós
Instituto de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras (University of Porto)
Ariel Sevilla
Laboratoire Printemps: Professions - Institutions - Temporalités (Versailles
Executive Committee: Bruno Monteiro and João Queirós
URL of this page is
Created by Donald Broady. Last updated 31 Dec. 2009
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