This document is an historical remnant. It belongs to the collection Skeptron Web Archive (included in Donald Broady's archive) that mirrors parts of the public Skeptron web site as it appeared on 31 December 2019, containing material from the research group Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC) and the research programme Digital Literature (DL). The contents and file names are unchanged while character and layout encoding of older pages has been updated for technical reasons. Most links are dead. A number of documents of negligible historical interest as well as the collaborators’ personal pages are omitted.
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Conferences, courses, lectures, seminars 2007
arranged by others but of interest to SEC and DL

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Se även noteringar från tidigare år

2007-01-24 -- 2007-01-26 Workshop of the Research Network on the relations between University, Culture, Society and the Economy (ReNeU), Museum Gustavianum, Uppsala University, 24-26 January 2007. [Closed workshop]
2007-03-01 "Moderne Sociologisk Teori".hD. kursus på Handelshøjskolen (CBS), København
2007-03-01 "Feminism after Bourdieu". Lecture by Beverley Skegg, Stockholm
2007-03-22 Workshop Kulturanalys och lärarutbildning, Uppsala.
2007-03-28 -- 2007-04-01 "New Frontiers in Arts Sociology: Creativity, Support and Sustainability". Conference of the ESA Research Network Sociology for the Arts, Lueneburg and Hamburg.
2007-04-18 Bourdieu og metode. København.
2007-04-27 -- 2007-04-28 "New Approaches to European Studies: Social Capital, European Elites, Constructivism". Exploratory Conference and Ph.D. Workshop, organised by Margareta Bertilsson, Didier Georgakakis and Mikael Rask Madsen, København.
2007-04-13 Modern sociologisk teori, kurs Handelshøjskolen, København
2007-05-18 -- 2007-05-19 International Seminar The Internationalisation of Elite Education (EDUC-ELITES), Lisboa, Portugal
2007-06-11 -- 2006-06-13 "Inter: A European Cultural Studies Conference in Sweden", organised by the Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden (ACSIS), Norrköping.
2007-06-25 -- 2007-06-27 Carme 2007 (Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods), Rotterdam.
2007-08-24 Disputation, Aalborg Universitet, Jette Steensen försvarar sin Ph.d.-avhandling Veje og udveje i et felt under forandring. En komparativ analyse af to grupper lærerstuderende i Danmark og USA. 
2007-09-19 -- 2007-09-21 Session "Reproduction and transformation of access through education to elite positions in society" during ECER 2007, Gent, Belgique
2007-09-19-- 2007-09-21 "Class Analysis: Contemporary Issues and Approaches", PhD course in Bergen, Norway
2008-07-03 -- 2008-07-08 7th International Conference "Crossroads in Cultural Studies". Organised by international Association for Cultural Studies (ACS), Kingston, Jamaica

Meddelande 2007-02-05 från kurslederen Øjvind Larsen<>:

Moderne Sociologisk Teori

PhD. kursus på Handelshøjskolen (CBS), København, 2007

Ansøgningsfrist: Fredag den 13. april 07

Mange PhD. studerende støder på sociologiske problemstillinger i arbejdet med deres afhandlinger. Derfor kan det være meget nyttigt at få en generel introduktion til den moderne sociologi. I kurset vil der blive givet en introduktion til de mest centrale teorier, som diskuteres i disse år. Der vil være specielle præsentationer af henholdsvis Anthony Giddens, Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Foucault, Zygmunt Bauman, Jürgen Habermas, Niklas Luhmann og Ulrich Beck. De væsentlige problemstillinger i deres teorier vil blive præsenteret og diskuteret, og der vil blive lagt vægt på, hvilke konsekvenser disse sociologiske teorier har for forståelsen af moderne organisationer.

Foredragsholderne er: Professor Niels Aakerstrøm Andersen, CBS; Professor Lars Bo Kaspersen, CBS; Professor SverreRaffnsøe, CBS; Lektor Martin Munk, SFI; Lektor Klaus Rasborg, RUC; Lektor Øjvind Larsen, CBS.
Kursus og Ansøgningsblanket findes slået op på:


Feminism after Bourdieu

Beverley Skegg, vt 2007 gästprofessor (Kerstin Hesselgren-professor) vid Centrum för genusstudier, Stockholms universitet, håller sin första föreläsning om feministers tolkning och användning av Pierre Bourdieu.

Tid: 1 mars kl 13-15
Plats: Stockholms universitet, sal B3

Skeggs, Beverly. 1999. Att bli respektabel. Konstruktioner av klass och kön. Göteborg: Daidalos.
Adkins, Lisa and Beverly Skeggs (eds), 2004, Feminism after Bourdieu, Oxford: Blackwells.
Aktuell intervju med Skeggs på

Mer info se


Workshop Kulturanalys och lärarutbildning

anordnad av Forum för skolan vid Uppsala universitet, 22 mars 2007.

Vid landets universitet och högskolor ökar kontakterna mellan kulturforskning och lärarutbildning. Det finns en anda av samförstånd och samarb
ete som sprider sig över våra områden och ytterst handlar det om en samverkan med samhället.

Forum för skolan vill bidra till en ökad insikt om social och kulturell förändring. Forums nätverk representerar yngre forskare och postdocs som är särskilt intresserade av att analysera frågor som handlar om barn och framtid. Under senare år har det blivit vanligt att etnologer arbetar med frågor som rör lärarutbildning och återkommande kurser för ett livslångt lärande. Nu är det viktigt att diskutera vad dessa nya områden betyder. Finns det nya erfarenheter som vi borde diskutera tillsammans och finns det anledning att samordna våra strävanden?

Medverkande under workshopen och ett seminarium påföljande dag: Kerstin Sahlin, Caroline Liberg, Gösta Arvastson, Billy Ehn, Oscar Pripp, Jonas Frykman, Elisabet Näsman, Donald Broady, Mikael Börjesson, Emil Bertilsson, Maria Bäckman, Katarzyna Wolanik Boström, Bjørg Kjær, Rebecka Lennartsson, Åsa Ljungström, Anna-Sofia Lundgren, Fredrik Nilsson, Marie Nordberg, Göran Nygren, Ann Runfors, Maria Wester, Susanne Wollinger, Jan Turtinen.


2007-03-28 -- 2007-04-01

New Frontiers in Arts Sociology: Creativity, Support and Sustainability

Conference of the ESA Research Network Sociology for the Arts,
Lueneburg and Hamburg (Germany), March 28-April 1, 2007



Bourdieu og metode

Hexis temadag
Tid: Onsdag den 18/4 kl. 13 – 16
Lokale: D 166, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet., Tuborgvej 164, København 2400 NV

Gratis adgang 

Pierre Bourdieu var kendt for at bryde med etablerede og fremherskende modstillinger mellem teori-empiri, struktur-agent og mellem kvantitativkvalitativ. Ved denne temadag præsenterer og diskuterer foreningen HEXIS erfaringer med forskellige metoder fra nyere forskningsprojekter, som har hentet inspiration i Bourdieus arbejde. Ved at tage udgangspunkt i studier inspireret af Bourdieu inden for så forskellige områder som det nationale medicinske felt, konstruktionen af internationale juridiske felter og studier af faggruppers kapitaler, forsøger temadagen at drage erfaringer på tværs af discipliner og inspirere fremtidig forskning.

Ole Hammerslev, Ph.d., Lektor ved Juridisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet: ”Mod en refleksiv sociologi af internationale felter: En kollektiv relationel biografisk metode”
Med udgangspunkt i en international refleksiv retssociologi diskuteres hvordan det er muligt at undersøge internationaliseringsprocesser/globalisering uden at blive fastspændt i dominerende opfattelser af bl.a. det internationale vs. det nationale, internationale institutioner vs. nationalstaten og ret vs. politik. Ved at fokusere på de konkrete individer, som er hovedpromotorerne bag retlige internationaliseringsprocesser, ud fra en ”kollektiv relationel biografisk metode” illustreres, hvordan det er muligt via kvalitative interviews at overskride sådanne dikotomier.

Marianne Høyen ph.d., Post.doc. i Pædagogik, Københavns Universitet: ”Om at arbejde med kapitalbegrebet – indkredsning af en fagspecifik kapital”
I Bourdieus empiriske studier kan man se økonomisk og kulturel kapital konkretiseret som fx. ’størrelse af årlig indkomst’, ’størrelse af arvet formue’ og ’fars højeste uddannelse’, ’konkret smag i musik’ etc. Ved et nyt forskningsarbejde må man altid beskrive på ny hvilke indikatorer, der kan bruges til at beskrive en konkret kapital. I oplægget fokuseres på hvordan man, med baggrund i empirisk materiale, kan arbejde med at fremanalysere en akademisk faggruppes specifikke faglige kapital.

Kristian Larsen, Ph.d., Lektor ved Institut for Pædagogisk Sociologi ved Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet: ”Observation og interviewstudier indenfor medicinsk felt, inspireret af Bourdieu”
Oplægget angår konkrete erfaringer med at indplacere og anvende observation og interview som del af sideløbende refleksioner om objektkonstruktion, forsker-objektrelation, teoristrukturering i forhold til mere induktive fremgangsmåder. Der præsenteres eksempler fra studier af medicinsk felt med særligt fokus på relationer mellem læger, sygeplejersker og social- og sundhedsassistenter. Et af spørgsmålene bliver; ”kan man observere relationelt”?

2007-04-27 -- 2007-04-28

New Approaches to European Studies: Social Capital, European Elites, Constructivism

Exploratory Conference and Ph.D. Workshop, Copenhagen, April 27-28, 2007.

Dr. Margareta Bertilsson, Professor of Sociology University of Copenhagen, Institute of Sociology,
Dr. Didier Georgakakis, Director of the Groupe de Sociologie Politique Européenne, Université Robert Schuman, Strasbourg,
Dr. Mikael Rask Madsen, postdoc at the University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law and associate researcher, Centre de Sociologie Européenne, Paris.

Call for papers <>

2007-05-18 -- 2007-05-19

International Seminar

The Internationalisation of Elite Education (EDUC-ELITES)

Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa, May 18-19, 2007

The aim of this international scientific seminar, held as part of the EDUC-ELITES research project, is to compare policies and institutional and individual strategies concerning the internationalisation of elite education across European countries and more particularly in France, England, Hungary and Sweden.

Organised by Agnès van Zanten and Maria Manuel Vieira.
Swedish collaborators are Donald Broady <>, Mikael Borjesson <>, and Ida Lidegran <>.

2007-06-11 -- 2006-06-13

Inter: A European Cultural Studies Conference in Sweden

Norrköping, Sweden, 11-13 June 2007

11-13 June 2007 the Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden (ACSIS) will organise "Inter: A European Cultural Studies Conference in Sweden", in collaboration with the European branch of the Association for Cultural Studies (ACS). The event will be located at the Louis De Geer Congress and Concert Hall and the Linköping University campus in the city of Norrköping, Sweden.

The conference theme "inter" is meant to summarise a series of challenges and opportunities for cultural research, each of which will be in focus one of the three days: spatial internationalisation with a focus on European borders and links in political, economic, social and cultural processes as well as in academic practice; temporal interepochality in historical processes of culturalisation; and organisational interdisciplinarity in cultural research. Plenary speakers include: Regina Bendix, Tony Bennett, Georgina Born, Kirsten Drotner, Gerard Delanty, Paul Gilroy, Annette Kuhn, Colin Mercer and Gerhard Schulze.

The conference aims to offer a broad picture of current cultural studies in Europe. Paper proposals are thus not confined only to the plenary themes mentioned above, but may cover any conceivable aspect of the field, from ongoing empirical research to issues of theory, method or research policy.

Participants are invited to submit paper abstracts, either of individual papers or of papers relating to the open sessions available at Paper abstracts are welcome until 1 February 2007 for the open sessions or until 16 February 2007 for individual papers. Please send your abstract of no more than 150 words to the listed session organiser or to

For more information, open sessions, accommodations and more, please visit: or e-mail:
Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden.
In association with The Association for Cultural Studies, The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, The Swedish Research Council and Linköping University.

2007-06-25 -- 2007-06-27

Carme 2007 (Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods)

Erasumus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands Monday June 25 to Wednesday June 27, 2007

The objective of this conference is to spotlight the very latest research in correspondence analysis and related techniques, and discuss future developments. We aim to bring together theoretical and applied researchers in all the areas where correspondence analysis is currently used.

Deadline for submitting an abstract, March 31, 2007.


2007-08-24, disputation Aalborg Universitet, Jette Steensen

Ph.d.-forsvar af Jette Steensen, Institut for Uddannelse, Læring og Filosofi, Aalborg Universitet

Fredag, den 24. august 2007, kl. 12.00
Auditoriet (rum 0-08), Fibigerstræde 10

Veje og udveje i et felt under forandring. En komparativ analyse af to grupper lærerstuderende i Danmark og USA

Afhandlingen bidrager til at undersøge, hvordan såvel Bourdieus begreb om habitus som Archers begreb ”den interne konversation” kan anvendes til at belyse lærerstuderendes karriereorientering og fremtidsperspektiver i to lande. Med afsæt i kritisk realisme som videnskabsteoretisk grundlag muliggør afhandlingens komparative indfaldsvinkel en diskussion af samspillet mellem samfundsøkonomisk struktur og lokal kultur og problematiserer derved forestillingen om den professionelle lærer og læreruddannelsen som generelle standardfigurer.

Lektor Elisabeth Hultqvist, Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm, Institutionen för samhälle, kultur och lärande
Lektor Bolette Moldenhawer, Københavns Universitet, Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling
Professor Palle Rasmussen (formand), Aalborg Universitet, Institut for Uddannelse, Læring og Filosofi

Efter forsvaret vil Instituttet være vært ved en reception, som finder sted i forhallen, Fibigerstræde 10

2007-09-19-- 2007-09-21 "Class Analysis: Contemporary Issues and Approaches", Phd-kurs i Bergen, Norge


Class Analysis: Contemporary Issues and Approaches

19.-21. september, 2007.

Department of Sociology
Faculty of the Social Sciences
University of Bergen

Contact address:

Deadline for application: 5th september, 2007.

The last years, class analysis has been the object of both critique and new attention. While there is a continuing debate on whether or not class analysis is of any relevance for studies of social inequality in late modernity, several scientists claim that class analysis is in need of renewal. This course aims at giving an overview of some of the central problems that are raised and questions that are asked in these debates. Based on the assumption that 'class' and 'stratification' are multidimensional concepts that also must be studied by using multidimensional approaches, empirical results from recent European and Nordic class analytical studies will be presented and discussed.

The course will be given over three days, with a core curriculum of approx. 700 pages. In addition, a list of recommended reading will also be specified. Participation with approved essay (4000-6000 words) gives 9 ECTS study points. All lectures will be given in English.

The course is open to phd-students from all Nordic countries.

Invited lecturers:

Professor Frédéric Lebaron, Université de Picardie Jules Vernes, France
Professor Lennart Rosenlund, University of Stavanger, Norway
Professor Mike Savage, University of Manchester
Professor John Scott, Essex University.

Preliminary schedule:

Sept 19th: Approaches to Class Analysis.

General introduction

John Scott:
1: Approaches to stratification and class analysis 1: class, status, power, elites.

Frédéric Lebaron
2: Approaches to stratification and class analysis 2: Social space.

Johs. Hjellbrekke/Olav Korsnes
3: Approaches to stratification and class analysis 3: Class, Stratification and Social Mobility.

Sept. 20th: Elites, Cultural Capital and Lifestyles.

John Scott
1: Studying stratification 1: economic elites.

Frédéric Lebaron:
2: Studying stratification 2: Economic Elites/The Field of Economists

Johs. Hjellbrekke/Olav Korsnes
3: Studying stratification 3: Elite Studies and The Field of Power.

Mike Savage.
Cultural Capital 1: Cultural Capital and Social Exclusion in the UK: a new class map.

Lennart Rosenlund
Cultural Capital 2: Social Structures and their Metamorphosis.

Sept 21st: Lifestyles - Concluding Lecture

Lennart Rosenlund
Cultural Capital 2: The Danish Field of Lifestyles

2: TBA

Mike Savage.
3: Concluding lecture: The issues for class analysis in a neo-liberal age.

2007-09-19 -- 2007-09-21

ECER 2007

Gent, Belgique, 19-21 sept 2007


This is the yearly conference of the European Educational Research Association (EERA),
 Two sessions "Reproduction and transformation of access through education to elite positions in society" take place Friday Sept 21st.

2008-07-03 -- 2008-07-08

7th International Conference "Crossroads in Cultural Studies"

 July 3-7, 2008

University of the West Indies (UWI) Mona Campus in Kingston, Jamaica

Organised by international Association for Cultural Studies (ACS). See

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Created by Donald Broady. Last updated 31 Dec. 2007
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