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Utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Sociology of Education and Culture at Uppsala University

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Last updated Oct. 12th, 2017

Donald Broady, Professor emeritus
Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC), Uppsala University


Postal address: Department of Sociology, Uppsala University, Box 624, SE-751 26 Uppsala, Sweden
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Current position
Employments and appointments
Research, general
Research programmes and projects
Networks, exchange programmes
Academic missions, editorships
Teaching, PhD supervision
Publications and papers in non-Scandinavian languages


Born 1946.

Current position

Professor emeritus, Department of Sociology, Uppsala University


Upper secondary: Djursholms samskola, reallinjens matematiska gren (Natural sciences, mathematical specialisation) (1961–1966).

Military training (1966–1967).

Undergrad.: Lunds Tekniska Högskola (Faculty of Engineering, Lund University), Chemistry Section (1967–1968). Undergrad. studies at the Faculties of arts and social sciences, Lund University and Stockholm University, in Philosophy, History of Literature, History, Economic History, History of Art, Education, and Nordic languages (1968–1980). Sojourns at universities in West Germany (1975–).

Grad.: PhD candidate in History of Literature, Stockholm University (1976–). PhD candidate at Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm (Stockholm Institute of Education) (1980–1990). Sojourns at universities in West Germany (1976–). Courses and seminars at l'École des Hautes ètudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris (1981 –).


MA, Philosophy, History, Art history, History of literature, Economic History, Nordic Languages (1971, additional exam 1974).
MAEd (1972)
PhD in Education, Stockholm University (1991).
Docent at Stockholm University (1992).

Employments and appointments

School teacher, Stockholm (1972–1977).

Lecturer and research assistant at Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm (Stockholm Institute of Education) (1977–1990, part-time).

Acting professor, i.e. locum tenens for the full professor, at Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm (1990–1994, 1996–1997).

PhD full-time grant at the Swedish Research Council for the Humanities and social Sciences (HSFR) (1984–1987).

Directeur d'études associé, École des Hautes ètudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris (during periods 1986 and 1988).

Research engineer and research director at Dept. of Numerical Analysis and Computing Science (Nada), Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm (1988–2003, part-time, during long periods half-time employment).

Holder of the chair in Sociology of education at Uppsala University, employed as full professor at different departments (1997–2013).

Professor emeritus at the Department of Sociology, Uppsala University, 2013–.

Research, general

Directing the research unit Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC) (1990–, at first in Stockholm, since 1997 at Uppsala University). Since 2010 one of three co-directors. Research on elites and education, cultural fields, history of education, students' trajectories, transnational educational strategies. See

Directing the Research program Digital literature at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm (1990–2003). Research on mark-up languages (SGML, XML etcetera), and internet technologies and applications. See

Research programmes and projects within the unit Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC)

The Fields of Higher and Secondary Education

Högskolan och det kulturella kapitalet (Higher education and cultural capital). Funded by UHÄ, Rådet för forskning om universitet och högskolor (the National Board for higher education), July 1991–June 1992.

Gymnasieskolan och det kulturella kapitalet (Secondary education and cultural capital). Funded by Skolverket (the Swedish National Agency for Education), July 1992–June 1995.

Eliter och transnationella utbildningsstrategier (Élites and transnational educational strategies). Funded by Humanistisk-Samhällsvetenskapliga forskningsrådet (HSFR, the Swedish Council for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences), 1995–1998.

Den svenska gymnasieskolan i det nya Europa. Transnationella inslag i utbildningsinstitutionernas fält och elevernas levnadsbanor (Swedish secondary education in the new Europe. Transnational aspects of the field of educational institutions and the students' trajectories). Funded by Skolverket (the Swedish National Agency for Education), 1996–1998.

Skolan under 1990-talet. Sociala förutsättningar och utbildningsstrategier (Schooling in the 20th century. Social conditions and educational strategies). Funded by the Swedish Ministry of Education, 1999–2000.

Rekrytering till högskolan under 1990-talet (The Swedish field of higher education. Social recruitment and competition between the educational institutions). Funded by Högskoleverket (the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education), Nov 2001–May 2002.

Gymnasieskolan som konkurrensfält (The competition field of secondary education). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), Jan 2002–Dec 2004.

Kampen om studenterna. Det svenska högskolefältet och lärosätenas rekryteringsstrategier 1993–2003 (The struggle for students. The Swedish field of higher education and the recruitment strategies of the institutions 1993–2003). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet, HS (the Swedish Research Council), Jan 2002–Dec 2004.

Sub-study within Lärarutbildningar: Rekrytering och yrkesidentitet under omstrukturering (Teacher education, restructuring and professional identity). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), Jan 2002–Dec 2004.

Substudies within The International Working Group on Science Students in Higher Education, Université de Lille, France, 2003–2004.

Sub-studies within Expériences éducatives et construction des frontières sociales. Familles, monde associatif et institutions scolaires. Funded by le Ministère délégué à la Recherche et aux Nouvelles Technologies, France, 2004–.

Sub-study within Et komparativt feltstudie af ungdomsuddannelsernes struktur og relationelle positionering i Øresundsregionen (Changing education strategies and education for youngsters), Aug 2004–Dec 2006, within the research program "Integration och migration i Øresundsregionen" (IMIO, Integration and migration in the Øresund Region). Funded by Øresundsregionens forsknings- og udviklingskomité, Aug 2004–Dec 2006.

Regeringsuppdrag, utvärdering av Rekryteringsdelegationen (Governmental commission, evaluation of the Special Committee on Recruitment to Higher Education), Dec 2005–Aug 2006.

Skolans kungsväg. Det naturvetenskapliga programmets plats i utbildningssystemet (The royal road of schooling. The science programme within the Swedish educational system). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), Jan 2006–Dec 2008.

Transnationella strategier inom den högre utbildningen. Sveriges förhållande till Frankrike och USA, 1919–2009 (Transnational strategies within higher education. Sweden's relations to France and the US, 1919–2009). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), Jan 2007–Dec 2009.

Språken, skolan, samhället 1960–2010 (Languages, education and Swedish society 1960–2010). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), Jan 2008–Dec 2010.

Folkskolans finansiering. De ekonomiska förutsättningarna för den allmänna folkundervisningens framväxt, 1842–1937 (The history of Swedish school finance, 1842–1936). Funded by Handelsbankens forskningsstiftelser (Handelsbanken research council) & Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), 2009–2016

Grusade förhoppningar eller lyckade nyorienteringar? Högskolestudenters ändrade studieplaner och avhopp inom högre utbildning 1977–2007 (Gravelled expectations or successful reorientations? Switchers and dropouts in higher education 1977–2007). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), Jan 2010–Dec 2013.

Internationaliseringens nationella arenor. Svensk högre utbildning och utländska studenter, 1945–2015 (Domestic arenas of internationalization. Swedish higher education and international students, 1945–2015). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet, Jan 2011–Dec 2013.

Nordic Fields of Higher Education. Structures and Transformations of Organization and Recruitment, 1985–2016. Funded by NordForsk, 2013–2015.

Studielån, lön och förmögenhet inom högskolan. Sociala gruppers studiefinansiering 1998–2006 (Study loans, wage and wealth within higher education. Social groups and their study financing, 1998–2006). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), 2014–2016.

Gymnasiemarknaden i svenskglesa områden. Valet av gymnasieutbildning bland familjer och elever med migrationsbakgrund i etniskt heterogena och socioekonomiskt tillbakasatta bostadsområden (On the outskirts of the school and residential market. Choice of upper secondary education among immigrant families in ethnically and socioeconomically heterogeneous residential areas). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), Jan 2017–Dec 2019.

Lärarna och skolmarknaden. Lärares fördelning över skolor och skolors rekrytering av lärare före och efter marknadsreformerna under 1990-talet (The teachers and the school market). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), Jan 2017–Dec 2019.

Svensk högre utbildning: finansiering, organisering, rekrytering, utfall 1950–2020 (SHEFOE) (Swedish higher education. Financing, organisation, enrolment, 1950–2020). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), Jan 2017–Dec 2019.

Studies of Fields and the public sphere

Formering för offentlighet. En kollektivbiografi över Stockholmskvinnor 1880–1920 (Formation for the public sphere. A collective biography of Stockholm women 1880–1920). Funded by Riksbankens jubileumsfond (the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation), Jan 2000–Dec 2006.

Participation in Literary Generations and Social Authority: A Study of American Prose-Fiction Debut Writers, 1940–2000. Funded by Riksbankens jubileumsfond (the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation), 2000–2004.

Konsten att lyckas som konstnär. Socialt ursprung, kön, utbildning och karriär 1945–2007 (The art of success in art. Social origin, gender, education, and career 1945–2007). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), Jan 2006–Dec 2008.

Forskningspraktik och forskningspolicy i den globala kunskapsekonomin – en komparativ studie (Research policy and research practice in the global research economy). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), Jan 2008–Dec 2010.

Geografi, samhälle och fiktionens rum i engelskspråkig västindisk litteratur (Geography, society and the symbolic terrain of anglophone Caribbean fiction). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), Jan 2008–Dec 2010.

Sextioåtta. En utbildningssociologisk studie av den svenska studentrevoltens sociala förutsättningar och effekter på kulturens fält (Sixty-eight. The Swedish student rebellion, its social conditions, and its effects on cultural fields. A study in the sociology of educational change). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), Jan 2008–Dec 2010.

Bygga maktbas. Uppbyggnad och utveckling av databas över ledande positioner (Building the basis of power. Construction of a database over leading positions). Funded by Ragnar Söderbergs stiftelse, 2010–2013.

Konst, karriär och kön. En studie av manliga och kvinnliga konstnärers meriteringsvägar och rekryteringen till professurer och högre lärartjänster vid Kungl. Konsthögskolan och Valands konsthögskola 1945–2000 (Art, career and gender. The career pathways of male and female artists and the recruitment of professors at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and Valand Art Academy 1945–2000). Funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, 2010–2015.

Ett kunskapsområdes uppkomst och etablering: Hållbar utveckling som undervisningsämne inom svensk högre utbildning. En utbildningssociologisk studie (The emergence and consolidation of a multidisciplinary subject: Sustainable development as a course of study in Swedish higher education. A study in the sociology of education). Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), Jan 2011–Dec 2013.

Arkeologin som fält (Archaeology as field). Funded by Riksantikvarieämbetet (the National Heritage Board), 2002–2003.

Method development

Sociala kartor och prosopografiska databaser (Social maps and prosopographic databases). Funded by an excellence grant at Uppsala University.

Education in the 3rd World

Since 1989 cooperation with INDE (Instituto Nacional do Desenvolvimento da Educação; National Institute for Education Development), Mozambique. A series of projects in Mozambique funded by Sida (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency). Also Sida-funded projects in Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Namibia, Tanzania, and Laos.

The research program Digital literature

See project presentations at

Research networks, exchange programmes

Co-directing (with Monique de Saint-Martin, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris) the international research network "Formation des élites et internationalisation de la culture" with partners in 21 countries. (1993–2000).

Co-directing (with Ulf Jonsson) a research exchange programme between École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Centre de sociologie de l'éducation et de la culture, and Centre de recherche historique) and Stockholm University. Numerous exchanges of guest lecturers etcetera in both directions. The Swedish participation funded by the Swedish government programme for "co-operation with foreign elite universities" (1995–).

Directing ”Network for Educational Research in Developing Countries, with a Focus on Sub-Saharan Africa”, funded by Sida (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) (1998–).

Participation in "Réseau d'echanges sur l'État et les acteurs émergents en Afrique". coord. by Monique de Saint-Martin, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris (2000–).

Participation in "Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods Network" (CARME) within the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS), coord. by Jörg Blasius, Universität Bonn (2004–).

Co-directing the University of Oxford/Uppsala University exchange program (2004–).

Co-directing the Nordic Network for educational history, funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council) (2005–).

Participation in "Network for the Studies of Cultural Distinctions and Social Differentiation" (SCUD), funded by Forskningsrådet for Samfund og Erhverv, Forsknings- og Innovationsstyrelsen, Danmark. Coord. by Annick Prieur, Aalborg universitet, Denmark (2008–).

Academic missions, editorships

Member of the Swedish Research Council's Committee for Educational Science (2004–2009, vice chairman 2007–2009).

Chairman of the Collegium for Educational Sciences at Uppsala University (2005–2010).

Initiator and Director of the Swedish National Graduate School History of Education. Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council) (2005–2011).

Member of Swedish Research Council's committe for research ethics (2007–2010).

Co-directing the National Graduate School "Flerspråkighet, litteracitet och utbildning" (FLU). Vetenskapsrådets utbildningsvetenskapliga kommitte (the Swedish Research Council's Committee for Educational Science) (2008–2017).

Co-editor book series "Skeptronserien," Bokförlaget Daidalos, Göteborg, Sweden (1995–). Co-editor of the sub-series Studier i utbildnings- och kultursociologi (Studies in Sociology of Education and Culture) within the series Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis (2008–).

Editor of the report series Skeptronhäften (Skeptron occasional papers) (Stockholm and Uppsala 1987–); Källor utgivna av Forum för pedagogisk historia, Stockholm (Sources in the History of Education (Stockholm 1991–); Rapporter från Forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi (Sociology of Education and Culture Research Reports) (Stockholm and Uppsala 1992–); the Swedish edition (a supplement to Ord & Bild) of Liber. Revue européenne des livres (1992-1997).

Editorial tasks, journals: Curriculum Studies, Sage (in the editorial board 1992–2001); Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, Paris (in the editorial board 1990–1993, in the comité des rédacteurs associés 2004–); Praktiske Grunde. Nordisk tidsskrift for kultur- og samfundsvidenskab (in the editorial board 2007–); Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research, Sweden (in the editorial board 2008–); Sciences Sociales, Greece (in the conseil scientifique 2012–); Confero. Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics, Sweden (in the advisory board 2012–); Nordic Journal of Educational History (in the editorial board 2014–).

Teaching, PhD supervision

Teaching on sociological traditions and methods, geometric data analysis, sociology and history of science, sociology and history of education, sociology of the elites, digital humanities, mark-up languages, internet application, the German Bildung tradition.

Supervision of PhD theses: Engaged in the supervision of 44 candidates who have acquired the doctor degree. In 16 of those cases as principal supervisor until disputation, in 28 cases as principal supervisor during previous phases and/or as a co-supervisor until disputation.

Co-supervision of doctoral students in the disciplines Computer Science, Didactics, Business Administration, Germanistics, History, Arts, War Studies, Cultural Geography, Media Technology and Graphic Production, Mathematics, Media and Communication, Human-Computer Interaction, Pedagogy, Social Anthropology, Sociology, Sociology of education, Educational Science with specialisation in languages.

At 50 occasions member of the committee (opponent or betygsnämnd/jury) in connection with PhD defences.

Talks outside of Sweden, selection 1992–

1992-02-06, Maison Suger, Paris; 1992-06-23, University of Liverpool; 1993-03-24, Joensuu universitet, Finland; 1993-04-19 & 1993-04-20, Universitetet i Tromsø; 1993-05-13, Rotterdam; 1993-11-16 & 1993-11-17, Hønefoss, Norway; 1995-03-17, Aarhus universitet, Denmark; 1995-04-26 & 1995-04-28, Universitetet i Bergen, Norway; 1995-10-06, Universitetet i Bergen, Norway; 1995-12-06, MIT, Boston, Mass., USA; 1996-01-17, Moscow; 1996-04-29, Moscow State University; 1996-05-11, Innsbruck, Austria; 1996-07-01, Somerville College, University of Oxford; 1996-09-23, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris; 1996-10-11, Københavns universitet; 1996-12-02, Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris; 1996-12-03, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris; 1996-12-05, Université Charles-de-Gaulle, Lille, Frankrike; 1997-10-19, Prague, Czech Republic; 1998-10-07, Universität zu Köln, Germany; 2000-03-28, Universitetet i Bergen; 2000-11-17, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris; 2001-09-11, Universität Hannover, Germany; 2002-06-04, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris; 2002-09-25, Universität Hannover, Germany; 2002-11-19, Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris; 2002-12-18, Universiteit Gent, Belgique; 2003-01-10, Norsk sosiologforening, Gaustad, Norway; 2003-01-21, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris; 2003-03-08, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet, København; 2003-07-01, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona; 2003-09-01, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, England; 2003-11-20, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France; 2004-05-12, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris; 2005-03-18, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France; 2005-11-24, King's College, London; 2006-02-23, Danmarks pædagogiske Universitet, København; 2006-03-27, Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris; 2006-06-10, Sciences-Po, Paris; 2006-10-25, Københavns universitet; 2006-12-01, University of Ghent, Belgium; 2007-09-21, University of Ghent, Belgium; 2008-09-03, Monte Sant'Angelo Campus, Napoli; 2008-10-27, Aalborg universitet; 2009-06-19, l'Université Hassan II Mohammedia, Casablanca; 2009-11-20, University of Manchester; 2010-04-14, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK; 2010-05-17 & 2010-05-18, University of Iceland, Reykjavik; 2010-09-20, University of Western Cape (UWC), Cape Town, South Africa; 2010-11-05 & 2010-11-06, Sciences Po, Paris; 2011-09-22, l'Université Alexandru Ioan Cuza (Iasi), Romania; 2011-11-26, Universitetet i Oslo; 2012-10-05, Université de Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris; 2013-03-07, Åbo Akademi, Finland; 2013-04-09, Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi, København, Denmark; 2013-11-06, University of East London; 2013-11-07, Institute of Education, University of London; 2014-06-16, Aalborg Universitet København, Denmark; 2014-06-17 & 2014-06-18, Aalborg Universitet København, Denmark; 2014-09-04, University of Porto, Portugal; 2015-06-08, Trinity College, Dublin; 2016-06-15, Universität Bamberg, Germany.

Publications and papers in non-Scandinavian languages, selection 1993–

For a more extensive list of publications see

Les élites : formation, reconversion, internationalisation. Colloque de Stockholm, 24–26 septembre 1993 (éd. Donald Broady, Monique de Saint Martin & Mikael Palme). Paris/Stockholm: CSEC, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales/FUKS, Lärarhögskolan, 1995. (212 p.)

Formation des élites et culture transnational. Colloque de Moscou 27–29 avril 1996 (éd. Donald Broady, Natalia Chmatko & Monique de Saint Martin). Paris/Uppsala: CSEC, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales/SEC, ILU, Université d'Uppsala, 1997. (385 p.)

Espen S. Ore, Harold Short, Anthea Ballam, Donald Broady, Lou Burnard, Elisabeth Burr, Stuart Lee, Lena Opas & Thomas Rommel: "Chapter 3. European studies on textual scholarship and humanities computing," pp. 63–88 in Smedt, Koenraad de/Hazel Gardiner, Espen Ore, Tito Orlandi, Harold Short, Jacques Souillot, William Vaughan (eds): Computing in Humanities Education. A European Perspective. SOCRATES/ERASMUS thematic network project on Advanced Computing in the Humanities. Bergen: University of Bergen, 1999.

Donald Broady, Mikael Börjesson och Mikael Palme: "Go West! O sistema de ensino sueco e os mercados transnacionais" [Go West! Swedish higher education and transnational markets], pp. 192-222 in A Escolarização das elites. Um panorama internacional da pesquisa (ed. Ana Maria F. Almeida & Maria Alice Nogueira). Petrópolis, Brasil: Editora Vozes, Coleção Ciências Sociais da Educação, 2002.

Donald Broady: "French prosopography: definition and suggested readings," Poetics [Elsevier Science Publishers, Holland], Volume 30, Issues 5-6, Oct–Dec 2002, pp. 381-385.

Donald Broady & Mikael Palme: "Recherche et refus d'une modernité incertaine. Quelques remarques sur la privatisation, l'islamisation et la globalisation du système de l'éducation au Mozambique." , pp. 201-211 in État et acteurs émergents en Afrique. Démocratie, indocilité et transnationalisation, sous la direction de Yann Lebeau, Boubacar Niane, Anne Piriou, Monique de Saint Martin. Paris: Éditions Karthala, 2003.

Mikael Börjesson, Donald Broady, Monica Langerth Zetterman, Ida Lidegran, Sverker Lundin, Ingrid Nordqvist och Mikael Palme: Using correspondence analysis for exploring regional differences in the education system, CARME 2003 (Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods), Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, 29 June-2 July 2003.

Mikael Börjesson, Donald Broady & Mikael Palme: Social Classification and the Analysis of the Field of Higher Education, CARME 2003 (Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods), Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, 29 June–2 July 2003.

Donald Broady & Monica Langerth Zetterman: TEI Markup as Research Tool in the Prosopograhic Study Formation for the Public Sphere, DRH2003 (Digital Resources in the Humanities), University of Gloucestershire, England, Aug. 2003.

Mikael Börjesson & Donald Broady: New Strategies on the Transnational Higher Education Market. The Case of Swedish Students in Paris and New York, The 37th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Stockholm, July 5–9, 2005.

Donald Broady & Mikael Börjesson: "The Social Profile of Swedish Law Students: National Divisions and Transnational Strategies," Retfærd. Nordisk juridisk tidskrift, Vol. 29, No 3, 2006, pp. 80–107.

Mikael Börjesson & Donald Broady: "Nouvelles stratégies dans le marché transnational de l'enseignement supérieur. Le cas des étudiants suédois à Paris et à New York," pp. 387–397 in Abel Kouvouama, Abdoulaye Gueye, Anna Piriou & Anne-Catherine Wagner (eds.), Figures croisées d'intellectues. Trajectories, modes d'action, productions. Paris: Éditions Karthala, 2007.

Mikael Börjesson, Dag Blanck & Donald Broady et al.: "Étudiants et chercheurs suédois aux États-Unis et en France : stratégies transnationales collectives et individuelles," pp. 31–47 in Les mondes universitaires face au marché : circulation des savoirs et pratiques des acteurs (éds. M. Leclerc-Olive, G. Scarfò Ghellab & A.-C. Wagner. Paris, Éditions Karthala, 2011.

Donald Broady & Mikael Börjesson: Oraison funèbre du modèle suédois, La marchandisation de l'enseignement supérieur dans le monde. Colloque international de l'ARESER (Association de réflexion sur les enseignements supérieur et la recherche), Paris, le 5 octobre 2012, 12 p.

Donald Broady: "Capital: Cultural, Symbolic and Social", pp. 99–102 in Denis Phillips (ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 2014.

Mikael Börjesson, Donald Broady: "Elite Strategies in a Unified System of Higher Education. The Case of Sweden", L'Année sociologique, Vol. 66, No 1, 2016, pp. 115–146.

Mikael Börjesson, Donald Broady, Tobias Dalberg & Ida Lidegran: "Elite Education in Sweden: a contradiction in terms?", pp. 92–103 in Claire Maxwell & Peter Aggleton (eds.), Elite Education. International perspectives. Oxon/New York: Routledge, 2016.

Mikael Börjesson, Donald Broady, Brigitte Le Roux, Ida Lidegran & Mikael Palme: "Cultural Capital in the Elite Subfield of Swedish Higher Education", Poetics, Vol. 56, 2016, pp. 15–34.

Mikael Börjesson, Donald Broady & Tobias Dalberg: "A Reversed Order. Expansion and Differentiation of Social Sciences and Humanities in Sweden 1945–2015", in Christian Fleck, Victor Karady & Matthias Duller (eds.), The Institutionalization of the Social Sciences and Humanities since 1945. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, in press.



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