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Utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Sociology of Education and Culture at Uppsala University

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Events, seminars and conferences 2020

Forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi, kalendarium över seminarier, gästföreläsningar, konferensarrangemang o. likn. 2020.

Vägbeskrivning och karta


Allmän info

2020-01-13.   Seminar The Fast Track (Korta vägen). Larissa Mickwitz & Anki Bengtsson. Language: English.
2020-01-15.   Seminar The World-class Ordination: A Study on the Global Space of Higher Education Institutions. Pablo Lillo Cea. Language: English.
2020-01-22.   Seminar The concept 'transnational fields' in research within sociology of education. Petter Sandgren.
2020-01-23.   Utbildningshistoriska seminariet Skolinspektionen och implementeringen av folkskolan i Sverige, 1861-1930. Jakob Evertsson.
2020-02-12.   Seminar The Swedish Social Space and its Homologies in Comparative Context. Will Atkinson. Language: English.
2020-02-13.   Utbildningshistoriska seminariet Scholarships and Academic Mobility between Sweden and the United States. Christin Mays. Language: English.
2020-02-18.   Utbildningshistoriska seminariet En strävan efter sanning – Vetenskapens teori och praktik. Bengt Kristensson Uggla.
2020-03-04.   Seminar Swedish schooling in Paris. School choice and the issues of national identity, migration and family organization. Corinne Platten. Language: English
2020-03-13.   Symposium 1820 års skolordning. Uppsala.
2020-03-16.   INSTÄLLT Seminar "Research Dynamics at Bourdieu's Center for European Sociology in the 1960s. Johan Heilbron. Language: English.
2020-03-18 – 2020-03-20.   INSTÄLLT Sessioner Utbildningssociologi, Sociologidagarna 2020, Stockholm.
2020-03-18. Webbkonferens Aktuell utbildningssociologisk forskning om svensk högre utbildning. Språk: svenska.
2020-03-26.   Utbildningshistoriska seminariet Läroverkslärarnas perspektiv på 1940-talets undervisning . Johan Samuelsson.
2020-04-16.   Utbildningshistoriska seminariet Den agrara intressegemenskapen. Gustav Berry. På plattformen Zoom
2020-04-29.   Seminar Even in pre-schools – analysing the pre-school and neighbourhood segregation gap in Swedish municipalities. Andreas Alm Fjellborg & Håkan Forsberg. Language: English.
2020-08-19 – 2020-08-22.   Conference ISCHE 2020 (the International Standing Conference for the History of Education), Örebro.
2020-05-13.   Seminar Where do Record Prices Come From? The Rise and Financialization of the Global Art Market. Larissa Buchholz. Language: English.
2020-10-21 – 2020-10-23.   Conference European Comprehensive School Reform. Groningen.
2020-10-19 – 2020-10-22.   Conference Universities under siege? (PHEC 2020, a Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Conference), Uppsala.
2020-11-11 – 2020-11-13.   Conference Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions, Uppsala.

Vägbeskrivning och karta

Allmän info

Seminarieverksamheten samordnas av Håkan Forsberg <> med bistånd från Ashley Haru <>.

Vissa seminarier ingår i Utbildningshistoriska seminariet i Uppsala, se (kräver inloggning på  Uppsala universitets nät). Samordnas av Esbjörn Larsson <>.

Lokal oftast antingen campus Engelska parken eller campus Blåsenhus. Se vägbeskrivning och karta. Somliga seminarieunderlag finns på webben, se länkar nedan. I andra fall, rikta per mejl en förfrågan till författaren av den text som ska ventileras.

Efter vissa seminarier och föreläsningar och görs videoinspelningar, ljudupptagningar eller PowerPoint-presentationer tillgängliga.

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Se även info om andra konferenser, seminarier och liknande 2020, arrangerade av andra men av intresse för oss

Om tidigare års SEC-seminarier

Note to non-Swedish readers: The language is most often Swedish. When in French or English it is indicated below.on

2020-01-13  Seminar series Education and Migration

The Fast Track (Korta vägen)

Seminar with Larissa Mickwitz and Anki Bengtsson

Time: Monday 13 Jan 2020 at 14.15–16.00
Place: Uppsala University, Campus Blåsenhus, room to announced later.

Language: English.

Everyone who is interested is welcome

For information on the seminar series Education and Migration contact Ida Lidegran <> or Elisabeth Hultqvist <>.

2020-01-15 SEC seminar
Ingår även i Högre seminariet i utbildningssociologi

The World-class Ordination: A Study on the Global Space of Higher Education Institutions

Seminar with Pablo Lillo Cea.

Time: Wednesday 15 Jan. 2020 at 13.15-15.00.
Place: Uppsala University, Campus Blåsenhus, room 14:340 ("Tupprummet", third floor, near the coffee machines)

Seminar on a so called 10 percent manuscript by Pablo Lillo Cea, PhD candidate in Sociology of education, Uppsala University.

Commentator: Yann Renisio

Language: English.

To receive the manuscript, contact Pablo Lillo Cea <>. Available one week in advance.

Everyone who is interested is welcome.

2020-01-22. SEC seminar

The concept 'transnational fields' in research within sociology of education

Seminar with Petter Sandgren, Department of Education, Stockholm University & Department of History and Civilization, European University Institute, Florence.

Time: Wednesday 22 Jan. 2020 at 13.15–15.00
Place: Uppsala University, Campus Blåsenhus, room 14:340 ("Tupprummet", third floor, near the coffee machines)

Petter Sandgren presents a chapter from his coming book Learning to Rule: The Transnational Field of Elite Boarding Schools. The objective of the presentation is to invite to a discussion on the possibilities and limitations of using 'transnational fields' as a research tool.

Book abstract

This book explores the global history of elite boarding schools from 1799 to the present time and reveals the previously neglected interconnected and dynamic nature of these schools and the elites they cater to. Drawing on primary sources from elite boarding schools in Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, India, Sweden and the United States, this book challenges the conventional narrative of a one-way diffusion of the English elite ’public’ boarding school model to the rest of the world during the second half of the nineteenth century and onwards. It argues instead that the English public schools should be understood as part of a dynamic ‘transnational field’ of elite boarding schools that emerged during the first half of the nineteenth century. Within that transnational field, ideas of how future leaders should be educated would continue to diffuse and circulate across traditional national boundaries over the following two hundred years. The book’s global and long-term historical perspective, which captures continuity and change within this transnational educational and social field, will be invaluable for building a broader understanding of how independent boarding schools have so successfully produced such a disproportionate number of elites over the course of history, and to get a better sense of what type of leaders they produce.

Language: English.

Everyone who is interested is welcome.

2020-01-23.  Utbildningshistoriska seminariet

Skolinspektionen och implementeringen av folkskolan i Sverige, 1861-1930

Ventilering av en projektplan av Jakob Evertsson

Tid: Torsd 23 jan. 2020 kl 13.15–15.00.
Plats: Uppsala universitet, Campus Blåsenhus, rum 12:228 14:340 (huskropp 12, andra våningen).

Därefter postseminarium i Lilla matsalen (Blåsenhus, rum room 21:137).

Arr. SHED (Uppsala Studies of History and Education). För mer information, kontakta Esbjörn Larsson <>

Alla intresserade är välkomna.

2020-02-12. SEC seminar

The Swedish Social Space and its Homologies in Comparative Context

Seminar with Will Atkinson, School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies, University of Bristol.

Time: Wednesday 12 Feb. 2020 at 13.15–15.00
Place: Uppsala University, Campus Blåsenhus, room 14:340 ("Tupprummet", third floor, near the coffee machines)

Will Atkinson participates in a large-scale research project, funded by the European Research Council, on class across Western countries, with a particular focus on the US, Germany and Sweden. As part of the project Will Atkinson has constructed two maps of the Swedish class system (or 'social space' a la Bourdieu) using multiple correspondence analysis - one for 2009 and one for 2016.

Language: English.

Everyone who is interested is welcome.

2020-02-13.  Utbildningshistoriska seminariet

Have Money, Will Travel. Scholarships and Academic Mobility between Sweden and the United States, ca 1911–1991

Ventilering av manus till ett avhandlingskapitel av Christin Mays

Time: Thursday 13 Feb. 2020 at 13.15–15.00.
Place: Uppsala University, Campus Blåsenhus, room 12:228

Language: English.

Arr. SHED (Uppsala Studies of History and Education). För mer information, kontakta Esbjörn Larsson <>

Alla intresserade är välkomna.

2020-02-18. Seminarium

En strävan efter sanning – Vetenskapens teori och praktik.

Bengt Kristensson Uggla (Åbo akademi) presenterar sin senaste bok, En strävan efter sanning – Vetenskapens teori och praktik. Presentationen följs av gemensam diskussion.

Tid: Tisd. 18 febr. 2020 kl. 13.15–15.00
Plats: Uppsala universitet, Campus Engelska parken, Rausingrummet (Eng 6-3025)

Arr. HERO och Högre seminariet i idé och lärdomshistoria

För mer info kontakta Johan Boberg <>

2020-02-27.  Utbildningshistoriska seminariet

Digital Socialism: the Swedish Labor Movement, Computers and Educational Imaginaries from the Post-War Period to the Turn of the Millennium

Lina Rahm, Linköpings universitet

Tid: Torsd 27 febr. 2020 kl 13.15-15.00
Plats: Uppsala universitet, Campus Blåsenhus, rum 11:128 14:340 (huskropp 11, första våningen).

Arr. SHED (Uppsala Studies of History and Education). För mer information, kontakta Esbjörn Larsson <>

Alla intresserade är välkomna.

2020-03-04. SEC Seminar

Swedish schooling in Paris. School choice and the issues of national identity, migration and family organization

Time: Wednesday 4 March 2020 at 13.15-15.00.
Place: Uppsala University, Campus Blåsenhus, room 14:340 ("Tupprummet", third floor, near the coffee machines)

Seminar with Corinne Platten.

Underlag: Corinne Platten, Swedish schooling in Paris. School choice and the issues of national identity, migration and family organization. Master thesis, Paris 2016. The thesis was presented within the master's programme "PDI  - Pratique de l'interdisciplinarité dans les sciences sociales", a co-operation between EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales) and ENS (École Normale Supérieure), Paris.

Language: English

Everyone who is interested is welcome.

2020-03-13.  Symposium

Symposium med anledning av 200-årsjubileet av 1820 års skolordning

Tid: Fred. 13 mars 2020 kl 09.15–17.30
Plats: Uppsala universitet, campus Blåsenhus, sal 12:128


09.15. Mingel, kaffe och smörgås
09.45. Germund Larsson och Axel Hörstedt: Välkomnande
10.00. Germund Larsson, fil. dr: Inledande presentation av skolordningarna
10.30 . Henrik Edgren, fil. dr: Skola och utbildning i det tidiga 1800-talets svenska samhällsdebatt
11.00. Jacob Evertsson, docent: 1561/72 års skolordning och dess införande
11.30 . Pontus Folkesson, doktorand: 1600-talets skolordningar i förändring och praktik
12.00. Lunch å Hotell von Kraemer
13.30. Björn Norlin, docent: Själen i skolans liv och ledning: Sedlighetsfostran, disciplinering och våldsbruk i den tidigmoderna skolan
14.00. Stefan Rimm, fil. dr: Vägs ände. Om det klassiska trivium under 1724, 1807 och 1820 års skolordningar
14.30. Axel Hörstedt, fil. dr: En genres upplösning: Disputationsövningar och 1820 års skolordning
15.00. Kaffe
15.30. Peter Bernhardsson, fil. dr: 1820-års skolordning och skolans styrning
16.00. Daniel Lindmark, professor: Skolämnen i teori och praktik: Om relationen mellan skolordning och skolutveckling
16.30. Avslutande diskussion
ca 18.00. Middag

Symposiet är öppet för alla intresserade, men om du önskar delta i lunchen och/eller middagen krävs anmälan till och du får själv stå för måltidskostnaden.

För mer information kontakta Germund Larsson <>.

2020-03-16. SEC Seminar

p. gr. av coronasmittan

Research Dynamics at Bourdieu's Center for European Sociology in the 1960s

Seminar with Johan Heilbron

Time: Monday 16 March 2020 at 13.15-15.00.
Place: Uppsala universitet, campus Blåsenhus, room 11:129

Language: English

Everyone who is interested is welcome.

For more information contact Mikael Börjesson <>

2020-03-18 – 2020-03-20. Konferenssessioner


Sociologidagarna 2020 inställda
p. gr. av coronasmittan

Sessioner ”Utbildningssociologi” under Sociologidagarna 2020, Stockholms universitet 18–20 mars 2020

Se program för sessionerna

Sociologidagarna som inträffar vartannat år är den stora mötesplatsen för svenska sociologer (i betydelsen människor som bedriver sociologisk forskning, alltså ingen begränsning till universitetsämnet sociologi). Härnäst anordnas de vid Stockholms universitet 18–20 mars 2020, i Aula Magna och ev. lokaler däromkring. Se

Ansvarig för arbetsgruppen ”Utbildningssociologi” som anordnar de utbildningssociologiska sessionerna, vilka blir så många som åtta till antalet, är Mikael Börjesson <>. Här är språken skandinaviska och engelska.welcome.

2020-03-18.  Webbkonferens

Aktuell utbildningssociologisk forskning om svensk högre utbildning

Presentationer av ett antal bidrag som var inplanerade under de inställda Sociologidagarna i Stockholm 18–20 mars (se ovan).

Tid: Onsd 19 mars Kl 13.15–16.45
Plats: Genomförs på webbplattformen Zoom.

Ordf. Mikael Börjesson <> som kan lämna information om deltagande och inloggning.

Språk: svenska


Kl 13.15–14.45

Kl 15.15–16.45

2020-03-26.  Utbildningshistoriska seminariet

Läroverkslärarnas perspektiv på 1940-talets undervisning

Ventilering av ett kapitelutkast av Johan Samuelsson

Tid: Torsd 26 mars 2020 kl 13.15–15.00.
Plats: webbplattformen Zoom

Arr. SHED (Uppsala Studies of History and Education). För mer information, kontakta Esbjörn Larsson <>

Alla intresserade är välkomna.

2020-04-16  Utbildningshistoriska seminariet

Den agrara intressegemenskapen

Ventilering av ett kapitelutkast av Gustav Berrys avhandlingsmanus.

Tid: Torsd 16 april 2020 kl 13.15–15.00.
Plats: webbplattformen Zoom

Arr. SHED (Uppsala Studies of History and Education). För mer information, kontakta Esbjörn Larsson <>

Alla intresserade är välkomna.

2020-04-29. SEC Seminar

Even in pre-schools – analysing the pre-school and neighbourhood segregation gap in Swedish municipalities

Time: Wednesday 29 April 2020 at 13.15-15.00.
Place: Uppsala University, Campus Blåsenhus, room 14:340 ("Tupprummet", third floor, near the coffee machines)

Andreas Alm Fjellborg & Håkan Forsberg presents ongoing analyses of the Swedish preschool system.

The seminar is held in collaboration with the network Studies on education, migration and segregation (EMS).

Language: English

Everyone who is interested is welcome

2020-05-13 SEC seminar

Where do Record Prices Come From? The Rise and Financialization of the Global Art Market

Seminar with Larissa Buchholz, Northwestern University, Illinois, USA.

Time: Wednesday 13 May 2020 at 13.15-15.00.
Place: Uppsala University, Campus Blåsenhus, room 14:340 ("Tupprummet", third floor, near the coffee machines)

Clarissa Buchholz is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Northwestern University, and holds a courtesy appointment in the Department of Sociology at Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences at the same university. Before joining Northwestern, she was a junior fellow at the Society of Fellows at Harvard University. Buchholz’s substantive work centers on the dynamics of cultural production and markets in global context. Her forthcoming book, The Global Rules of Art, examines the emergence of a global art field and the different ways that artists become valued worldwide. A second book project explores the cross-border formation of audiences and taste cultures through the lens of global art collectors. Informed by her empirical research, Buchholz also engages with broader questions of methodology and theorizing in transnational and global analysis. Buchholz serves on the editorial board of Sociological Theory and is an affiliated faculty member of the Critical Realism Network at Yale University.
More info see

Language: English.

Everyone who is interested is welcome.

2020-08-19 – 2020-08-22. Conference

ISCHE 2020, Örebro University, Sweden, 19–22 Aug. 2020

On the International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE) see


ISCHE 2020 will be held at Örebro University, Sweden. The main conference will take place between Wednesday, August 19, and Saturday, August 22. The main theme will be "Looking from Above and Below: Rethinking the Social in the History of Education". Thus, ISCHE invites scholars to rethink “the social” in history of education by (re-)addressing important cultural, technological, legal, economic, political, theoretical and methodological issues. We welcome the submission of papers that promote the development of the concept of “the social” in history of education in as yet unexplored ways.

Deadline for submissions is January 15, 2020. For more information on proposal formats, and much more, see

Welcome to Örebro in august 2020!

Johannes Westberg, Professor of Education School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences Örebro University, Sweden,

2020-10-19 – 2020-10-20. Conference

Universities under siege?
PHEC 2020 (Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Conference)

PHEC 2020 (Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Conference)

Time: 19 —20 Oct. 2020
Place: Uppsala universitet, Universitetshuset

Paper proposal deadline 28 Feb. 2020.

“The crisis of the university” is a familiar topos in contemporary discussions about higher education. It is said that the University is facing untold threats from, inter alia, the anti-intellectualism of populist politicians and authoritarian regimes, the commodification of knowledge resulting from neo-liberal ideas about utility and international competition, the politicization of teaching and learning arising out of identity movements, the fragmenting of the university in response to stakeholder demands, and so forth. This conference poses the question: Is this really the case? And, if so, what exactly is being threatened.


2020-10-21 – 2020-10-23. Conference

European Comprehensive School Reform: Ideals, Actors and Educational Practices

Place: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands
Time: Wednesday 21 – Friday 23 Oct. 2020

Keynote sepaker: Susanne Wiborg.

For more information contact Johannes Westberg <>.

2020-11-11 – 2020-11-13. Conference

Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions

Time: 11–13 Nov 2020
Place: Humanistiska teatern, Uppsala universitet

During the past thirty years or so, the internationalization of higher education institutions has become a very significant issue on the agenda for policy-makers, academic leaders and researchers. Against this backdrop, it is timely to look closer at the conditions for internationalization and its effects. In so doing, the symposium will address questions such as the role of universities in a global world, international rankings, the mobility of ideas and students, costs and returns in internationalization as well as international branch campuses. An expert panel discussion will conclude the symposium, which is an Academia Europaea HERCulES event.

Arr: Academia Europea, HERO, SIHE

Conveners: Lars Engwall and Mikael Börjesson
Contact: Johan Boberg

Vägbeskrivning och karta

Sammankomsterna sker som regel antingen i Humanistiskt Centrum i campus Engelska parken eller i campus Blåsenhus. Det förstnämnda campusområdet sträcker sig västerut från parken bakom universitetsbiblioteket Carolina Rediviva. Närmsta grannar är Kyrkogården och Botan. Campus Blåsenhus är en high tech-byggnad med mycket glas på fasaden, numera i skuggan av det stora nyuppförda Segerstedthuset där universitetsledningen och förvaltningen flyttat in. Nära grannar är Botan och Slottet.

Karta med Engelska parken och Blåsenhus

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