This document is an historical remnant. It belongs to the collection Skeptron Web Archive (included in Donald Broady's archive) that mirrors parts of the public Skeptron web site as it appeared on 31 December 2019, containing material from the research group Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC) and the research programme Digital Literature (DL). The contents and file names are unchanged while character and layout encoding of older pages has been updated for technical reasons. Most links are dead. A number of documents of negligible historical interest as well as the collaborators’ personal pages are omitted.
The site's internet address was since Summer 1993 and since 2006

URL of this page:

Konferenser, seminarier, kurser 2019
anordnade på annat håll
men av intresse för SEC och DL

Nedan info om evenemang i kronologisk ordning

Se även noteringar från tidigare år

2019-02-04—2019-02-06   Conference Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods conference (CARME), Stellenbosch, South Africa., 4–6 Feb. 2019.
2019-08-20—2019-08-23   Conference 14th ESA (European Sociological Association) Conference, Manchester, UK.
2019-09-26    Symposium Why Interdisciplinarity? Arr. CIRCUS,Uppsala University
2019-10-10    Symposium Education and Elite Formation. Stockholm University
2019-10-18    Seminar with Mikael Holmqvist, Leader Communities and Elite Business Schools: The Consecration of Elites in Sweden. SciencesPo, Paris

2019-02-04—2019-02-06  Conference

Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods conference (CARME)

Stellenbosch, South Africa., 4–6 Feb. 2019

Deadline for abstract submission 31 Oct. 2018

Hosted by The Multivariate Data Analysis Group of the South African Statistical Association

'There will be one or more sessions on "Geometric Data Analysis, applications in Sociology of Education and Culture" arranged by SEC, Uppsala Universty. For more information contact Mikael Börjesson <>

2019-08-20—2019-08-23  Conference

14th ESA (European Sociological Association) Conference, 20–23 August 2019, Manchester, UK

Papers presented by SEC collegues & associates:

2019-08-21 4:00pm-5:30pm. "Struggle for Recognition: Educational Strategies of Syrian Kurdish refugees in Turkey", Nubin Ciziri

2019-08-21 6:00pm-7:30pm. "The Distribution of Teachers in a Marketised School System. The Case of Sweden 1995-2016", Emil Bertilsson

2019-08-22 11:00am-12:30pm. "Education as a Lifebuoy: Newly Arrived Academics and Establishment Programmes", Ida Lidegran & Elisabeth Hultqvist.

2019-08-22 11:00am-12:30pm. "The Ecology of a Professional Field: Higher Education in Sweden", Ola Agevall & Gunnar Olofsson

2019-08-22 2:00pm-3:30pm. "Education as a Migration Pathway? Exploring the Narratives of Non-EU Students Pursuing a Master’s Degree in Denmark", Mette Ginnerskov-Dahlberg

2019-08-22 2:00pm-3:30pm. "Young Adults In The Swedish Periphery: Resources, Choices, And Outlooks For The Future", Anna Bennich-Björkman

2019-08-22 4:00pm-5:30pm. "Elite Pathways in the Meritocratic Sub-System of Chilean Higher Education", Pablo Lillo Cea

2019-08-22 4:00pm-5:30pm. "Student Enrolment in Upper Secondary Education within Ethnically and Socioeconomically Heterogeneous municipalities in southern Stockholm, Sweden", Håkan Forsberg

2019-08-22 4:00pm-5:30pm. "The Social Space of Swedish Preschools: A Bourdieusian Analysis of Families’ Preschool Enrolment in a Marketised Welfare State", Jennifer Charlotte Waddling & Håkan Forsberg

2019-08-23 11:00am-12:30pm . "In Search for the Professional Core: How Secondary Schoolteachers Navigate on the Swedish School-Market", Magnus Persson & Per Dannefjord.

2019-08-23 2:00pm-3:30pm. "Social inequality in education - General considerations: Academic Governance and the Field of Higher Education", Agnete Vabø, Moa Maria Cecilia Lindqvist & Mikael Börjesson,

2019-08-23 2:00pm-3:30pm. "Multidimensional Social classification Applied to the Analysis of Educational Spaces", Ylva Bergström, Emil Bertilsson & Mikael Börjesson.

Other interesting presentations:

2019-08-21 11:00am-12:30pm. "Forms of Social Capital in the Field of Economists. Between Scientific and Worldly Powers", Thierry Rossier & Pierre Benz.

2019-08-21 6:00pm-7:30pm. "Mapping the Social Sciences in EU funding schemes", Kristoffer Kropp & Anton Grau Larsen

2019-08-22 11:00am-12:30pm. "Rethinking Global Power: The Space of States", Will Atkinson

2019-08-22 2:00pm-3:30pm. "Living standards inequality in the European Union between 2004 and 2016. Multidimensional convergence and fragmentations", Pierre Blavier & Frédéric Lebaron

2019-09-26  Symposium

Why Interdisciplinarity? - Promises, Problems, Practices

A symposium arranged by CIRCUS, The Centre for Integrated Research on Culture and Society at Uppsala University,

Date: 24 September 2019
Venue: The Humanities Theatre, Engelska parken, Uppsala

More information and registration:
Register by 16 September! (The event is free of charge)


09:00-10:30 Session 1 Mapping interdisciplinarities
Claes-Fredrik Helgesson, Professor and Research Director at Circus, Uppsala University: "Opening remarks"
Erin Leahey, Professor and Director, School of Sociology, University of Arizona: "The contours of interdisciplinarity"
Sven Widmalm, Professor, Department of History of Science and Ideas, Uppsala University: "Interdisciplinarity and impact"
Uskali Mäki, Professor of Practical Philosophy and Director of Centre for Philosophy of Social Science, University of Helsinki: "Asymmetries in Interdisciplinarity"

11:00-12:15. Session 2 Practices, outcomes and assessments
Mikael Börjesson, Professor, Department of Education, Uppsala University: "The Higher Education as Research Object (HERO) Network"
Johan Wejryd, Researcher at Department of Government, Uppsala University: "Exploring Citizenship – A Research Programme
Veronica Strang, Professor in Cultural Anthropology and Executive Director at Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University: "Challenges in Assessing Interdisciplinary Research"

13:30-15:00 Session 3 Parallel workshops (choose one)
Workshop A: Interdisciplinarity and the academic career. Thematic question: What can the engaging with multi-, inter- or trans-disciplinary endeavours mean for the career of younger researchers?
Workshop B: To lead interdisciplinary endeavours. Thematic question: What are the particular challenges with leading multi-, inter- and/or trans-disciplinary research endeavours?
Workshop C: Studying Interdisciplinary research. Thematic question: In what ways and with what questions have and can we interrogate different forms of inter-disciplinary research?

15:30-16:15 Session 4 Interdisciplinarity and methods
Michael Dunn, Professor of General Linguistics, Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University: "A template for multidisciplinary research projects"
Celia Lury, Professor, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick: "Compounding the problem: Methods in interdisciplinary research"
Concluding discussion

17:00 - Mingle with refreshments

2019-10-10  Open international symposium

Education and Elite Formation

Date: Thursday 1o Oct. 2019 at 11.00-18.00
Venue: Stockholm University, Frescativägen 54, Room 2403

Contact: Petter Sandgren <>, Department of Education, Stockholm University,

This open international symposium gathers scholars working on the relationship between education and the formation of elites.

11–11.15 Petter Sandgren (Stockholm University):

11.15–12.15 Adam Howard (Colby College) and Claire Maxwell (University of Copenhagen): ”Preparing Global Leaders for the Global South: Global Citizenship Education within Ghanaian, Taiwanese and Jordanian Elite Contexts"

13.45–14.15. Karen Lillie (University College London): ”Challenging Assumptions about Transnational Class: The Continued Importance of the Nation-State”

14.15– 14.45 Daniel Lövheim (Stockholm University): ”Science Olympiads as Spaces for Elite Formation During the Cold War”.

15– 15.45 Max Persson (Uppsala University): ”Contested Ease: Challenging the Notion of Embodied Ease from a Situational Approach”

15.45– 16.15 Eric Larsson (Stockholm University): ”The New Meritocrats: Upper Secondary Elite Schools, Merits, and Marketization”

16.30–17 Sara Lindberg (Uppsala University): EU-Elite Formation: College of Europe and its Students

17–17.30 Trygve Gulbrandsen (Institute for Social Research, Oslo): ”Elite Formation and Professionals”

17.30–18 Mikael Holmqvist (Stockholm University): Summary and discussion

2019-10-18  Seminar

Leader Communities and Elite Business Schools: The Consecration of Elites in Sweden

Séminaire scientifique de l'OSC, SciencesPo, with Mikael Holmqvist, Stockholm University

Date: Friday 18 Oct. 2019 at 11.30-13.00
Venue: SciencesPo, 98, rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris, salle Annick Percheron

Language: English.


In my talk I will focus on my recent studies of Sweden's elite community Djursholm, and the country's elite business school, the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE). All around the world there are elite suburban communities and elite business schools. These institutions are home to the economic and social elites who work in the world's global cities. Despite Sweden's reputation for egalitarianism, Djursholm and the SSE are representative of global mechanisms of privilege and its perpetuation. Leader Communities is my term for places like Djursholm: the communities where elites choose to live, socialize with other elites, and, most importantly, form families and raise their children into future elites. After growing up in Djursholm, many of the adolescents chose to study at the SSE, Sweden's only private university and a leading European business school. At the SSE, students are trained for top jobs in the consulting and finance industries, in Sweden and abroad. Djursholm and the SSE consecrate people into leaders—that is, they offer their members a social environment that imbues them with a sense of social and moral elevation. By idealizing their members, leader communities' and elite business schools allegedly superior environment and character act as a principle of distinction and legitimation, illustrating something that can be called a "consecracy"—a society that leads by means of its members' aura and radiance, allowing the privileged to pose as a moral vanguard. These institutions are important to understand how power and privilege are created and maintained, and how societies are being affected in certain social, moral and political ways.

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Created by Donald Broady. Last updated 31 Dec. 2019
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